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domingo, 15 de maio de 2011

Finding Free Fat Loss Programs on the Web

Many people have begun to take a serious look at the difference between weight loss and fat loss. They've become conscious of the need to build muscle while losing fat. One reason for this is because quite a few people have experienced the downsides of dieting and realize through their experience that it is not enough. Now many are seeking the Holy Grail of the ultimate fat burning workout that will forever keep them young and strong. Many are looking all over the Internet to find the online fitness guru.

The ever-growing numbers of weight loss reality shows have demonstrated the need for a combination of diet and exercise in order to realize true fat loss. Although I don't agree with the methods used on many of the shows, it is refreshing to see that fitness is being emphasized over simple weight-loss in mass media.

The objective is shifting from simply looking slim to actually being fit, well toned and flexible. There is a renewed interest in improving muscle density and overall fitness as opposed to simply looking like a supermodel. The concept of body type analysis is once again gaining ground.

One issue to contend with when looking to burn fat while building muscle, is the dichotomy of fat loss and muscle gain. You must first deal with the premise that fat burning and muscle building are two contrasting biochemical processes. They also have conflicting needs.

How do you build muscle and burn fat at the same time? You will need to adjust your diet to feeding muscle mass while depriving it of excess carbohydrates. Instead of radically reducing your calorie intake, reduce it by 500 calories per day while concentrating on increasing your protein and monounsaturated fats.

Discard the notion of long cardio workouts and adopt high intensity short duration exercises instead. An excellent way to make the adjustment is with a heart rate monitor. For strength training during a fat burning workout, you won't be pushing heavy iron normally associated with bulking up. Compound exercises such as squats, squat thrusts, deadlifts and presses will do just fine to stimulate growth hormones while burning fat all day long.

You could actually create a program for your fitness needs while on the Internet using many available online exercise tools. There are many health free membership sites in which you can sign up and use their online tools to set up your diet and exercise regimen. They are often can excellent source for teamwork in that they will also host related forums that allow you to compare notes with other fitness members.

Be discriminating when researching free fat loss programs on the Web. Double check the facts and maintain a healthy dose of skepticism regarding fad diets and newfangled products that claim to get you ripped and lean without exercise or dieting.

If your goal is to burn fat, build muscle and get stronger; check out my nine part series on optimal fat burning workout systems. I'll show you how to get lean and fit in no time flat. I'll even give you the tools to do optimize your fat burning workouts. Go to for your free e-course.

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