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sábado, 14 de maio de 2011

Did Yet Another Rapid Weight Loss Diet Plan Fail?

There are hundreds of different weight loss diet plans for you to choose from and it seems that no matter which one you choose, none of them work in the long-term. When a new diet plan comes out and gets a lot of hype, then peoples expectations are very high, so they get really exited, when they get the diet plan. The person may lose some weight in the beginning, but sooner or later progress stops. Why?

Why did your rapid weight loss diet plan fail

As you know the weight loss industry is a very big business, so the people who run this business, do not want you to lose weight successfully, because if you do, then you no longer give them money. So they always come out with "new" and "incredible" diet plans and the stranger the diet is, the more people buy it. Every time you go on a diet, then you do lose weight and this is just what they want. That way they can say, "See the diet plan worked, you lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks, what more do you want?"

But the weigh that you lose is always temporary, because diets are temporary. How is it possible to lose weight successfully and keep it off for years and years, if you use a banana diet? Are you only going to eat bananas for the rest of your life? This does not make any sense at all and people should really use their common sense, not go along with the hype. But people never learn and still fall into the same trap over and over and over again.

If you want long lasting results then you need to make changes to your lifestyle, going on diets is not enough. People have no idea what a proper eating plan or exercise plan should look like, so making only a few changes here and there is not enough. Sure drinking more water will help you a bit or cutting out junk food, but that certainly is not enough.

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