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sábado, 14 de maio de 2011

Whey Protein For Fat Loss

In this article I am going to discuss the benefits

of implementing whey protein into your diet

while you are trying to lose weight.

The general function of any kind of protein

is to assist the muscles in re-growing themselves

after they have been used during a workout. But

what is it that makes whey protein stand out from

the rest of the proteins?

Here are some answers for you. The beautiful

thing about whey protein is that it is a naturally

complete protein that contains the (BCAA's)

Branched Chain Amino Acids that are essential

for your body if you really want to achieve optimum

results. BCAA's are the first amino acids used by

your body when you decide to exercise, that is

why it is important to have a good amount of them.

Although it is true that you can find BCAA's in many

other things, whey protein tends to have the highest

amount of it.

Another great thing about whey protein is that it is

pure protein, which means that there is little or no

fat and carbohydrates mixed in with it, like other

protein powders such as muscle milk. Further more

whey protein carries a very large amount

of the amino acid called leucine which promotes

fat loss by trying to preserve lean muscle tissues.

In addition to the above benefits, whey protein

also adds to fat loss in that it takes more energy to break

down. More energy equals more calories. Not only

does it burn more calories but it also triggers

certain hunger suppressing hormones that keep your

appetite at bay longer than usual.

With all that said, whey protein is something

that comes highly recommended with anyone

interested in losing fat.

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