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sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2011

What Works For Fat Loss?

Start with looking at the Calories you eat we all need them for energy and to maintain body weight. Simply put if you eat too many calories and don't burn them off with exercise you store them as fat and you gain weight. If you want permanent fat loss think in regards to your nutrients that you get from the calories, in the foods you eat.

What works for fat loss is to be aware of your calorie intake the better quality foods, the better nutrition value, equals more fat loss. Plus healthy food has more fiber. Stop obsessing over carbs, proteins and fats and focus on the natural vitamins and minerals that are in these quality foods, they will satisfy your hunger pains.

If you find yourself always hungry and wanting to eat more it's because you are not getting the nutrition from the foods you are eating. Or you may be confusing thirst with hunger.

The big secret is picking foods that are loaded with nutrients. Nutrient rich foods give your body what it is craving for and you will find your self eating less, feeling full sooner and it will be easy and automatic. This also promotes a natural alkaline environment in you body and reduces risks of diseases and cancer.

So step back and refocus to see what foods should you be trying to eat and what are good carbs, proteins, and fats. Combining the right carbohydrates with healthy proteins, and fats Here is what works for fat loss:

Carbs are your primary energy source some good, some not so good. Here's what works for fat loss: For your nutrient needs, carbs can be broken down to two basic groups:

1) The Good: Complex carbs: whole wheat breads, cereals and grains.

Choose unrefined whole grain, whole wheat complex carbs - (not refined which means most of the vitamins, minerals and fiber have been stripped away.

Fiber slows digestion down and keeps you feeling full longer.

Whole grains slow the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream, which keeps insulin from spiking.

Insulin regulates your blood sugar levels and stores excess sugar as fat. (Ever notice after lunch sometimes you want to take a nap?) Blood sugar spiked.

2) The Bad: Simple carbs (*sugars): candy, soda pop, kids breakfast cereals, even flavored oatmeal. Simple sugars contain empty calories which steal nutrients from our bodies in order to get metabolized.

*Sugar anything with "ose" at the end of it: fructose, corn syrup, maltose, dextrose, etc. (try and reduce the white bread, white rice and simple sugars)

Proteins come from two sources: plants and animals the majority should come from plants that work for fat loss:

Plant Protein like beans, legumes, and nuts. Plant proteins burn off faster - and won't deposit as fat as with animal protein.

Animal Protein you have to watch the fat content you generally want lean meats. Grass fed or free range chickens, turkey, fish, eggs and egg whites with occasional lean beef.

Now then that leaves fat. I know a few years ago the experts pushed "eat fat, and it will make you fat" but the truth is that the calories from too much fat, will make you fat. Your body needs a good amount of fat in your diet to protect your body and keep your cells functioning properly.

The "Big Picture" is eating fats from nutrient rich foods where it occurs naturally.

Healthy fats saturated and unsaturated occur naturally in fish, fish oil, nuts, coconut oil, avocados, seeds, flax seed, flax oil, natural peanut and almond butters, and extra virgin olive oil.

Food processing, over processed foods can contain unhealthy fats. Anything hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated are really dangerous fats, refined or man-made: shortening, margarine, corn, cottonseed, and soybean oils. (little butter is actually better)

Fruits and Vegetables well technically are carbohydrates but vegetables are the best food to eat loaded with nutrients: vitamins, minerals and fiber. The antioxidants guard against disease, and vegetables are generally low in calories too. Reach for the dark green and leafy are the best: broccoli, green beans, spinach, asparagus, Swiss chard. Vegetables provide the digestive enzymes that benefit your intake of nutrients the body can absorb.

Fruits are best raw 100% fruit juice is ok but eliminates most of the fiber. Focus on raw fruits: apple, oranges, bananas, melons, and berries. Get a wide variety of fruits each contains a wide mix of vitamins and minerals.

Water may not have any nutritional nutrients, but it is the most important element to total health and fitness you body is made up of 60-75% water

Water helps in food digestion, carries the nutrients throughout your body, rids your body of wastes, lubricates your joints, regulates and maintains your body temperature.

The best thing about water for fat loss is that it curbs your appetite for hunger. Water fills the stomach up and washes the taste buds clean stops the cravings. It keeps you hydrated and when people get dehydrated they eat. (8 8 oz glasses of water is recommended)

Be aware of what you reach for that third cup of coffee can be replaced with a twenty oz bottle of water (drinking three of 20 oz bottles is close to what you need a day). Make it easy for yourself.

The "Big Picture" is just to be aware of what you are eating and try to add more healthy foods into your diet every day. Take your time and reach for Good Nutrition filled Natural foods you will be amazed at the results.

The frustration and confusion of what works for fat loss... is finally lifting.

Knowing what foods are healthy carbs, proteins and fats... and how to choose the best foods for fat loss... start with healthy natural foods... couple that with strength building exercises and see faster fat loss results.

Turn your furnace on... and burn the fat off your body for good.


Eat Smart, Live well, Stay fit.

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