So we are going to aim for 60 grams of carbohydrates which would constitute 10% or 240 calories of our 2400 calorie daily intake example instead of the usual 300 grams which would constitute 50% or 1200 calories of our 2400 calorie intake. We have just cut our calorie intake by 960 calories. The second biggest question in starting a low-carb approach to weight loss is: After cutting carbs, what do I eat to take their place? You increase your intake of animal fats.
Remember the goal of a low-carb approach to weight loss is not to starve the fat off your body. That is the goal of a low calorie, low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. The conventional wisdom claims that only gluttony and/or sloth leads to overweight or obesity. You lose weight by cutting daily calories to the 1500, 1200,1000 or even less levels and at the same time increase your physical activity walking, jogging,running multiple times a week and or lifting weights on the same or alternate days. Low calorie diets were originally known as semi-starvation diets. You suffer from hunger and weakness. Most people can't stand this form of self-deprivation for the long term, and fall off the dieting wagon. The masochistic few, with a will of iron, are able to stick with it and lose substantial weight. However, most of them will gradually regain all their lost weight and more, when they resume their normal eating habits. Low-calorie, low-fat dieters would achieve less dismal results, if they were under lock and key in a hospital ward, or better yet, behind barbed wire of a concentration camp, under the watchful eyes of armed guards and attack dogs.
The goal of a low-carb approach to weight loss is to help your body burn its fat stores more efficiently. You accomplish this not by cutting calories but by cutting carbohydrates. Carbohydrates cause an increase in blood glucose levels. Elevated blood glucose levels cause the pancreas to secrete insulin to drive down blood glucose levels by storing the glucose as glycogen in the liver and muscles or as fat in the fat cells. Insulin is thus a fat-storage hormone. Excess carbs drive elevated blood glucose levels which drive increasing insulin secretion which drives fat accumulation. You keep your levels of insulin low by replacing carbs with animal fats. Fat consumption doesn't cause an increase in blood glucose levels nor elicits an increase in insulin secretion. When carbs are limited, the body will breakdown fats eaten and fats stored in the body to fatty acids to be used as a fuel source instead of glucose.
Step one to implementing a low-carb approach to weight loss is: Cut carbs to 60 grams a day. You accomplish this by banning sugar and flour. You live life without bread. You cut out all grains and starchy root vegetables. You eat only salad greens (with extra virgin olive oil and red wine or apple cider vinegar as a dressing) and non-starchy vegetables. Low-carb fruits are limited to one or two portions a day such as: a ? grapefruit at breakfast or a ? cup of blueberries for dessert at dinner. Your non-starchy vegetables and low-carb fruits are side dishes or garnishes to your meals. Your regular sodas and diet sodas have been replaced by water and mineral water. Your carb intake will range from 10-15% of total daily calories.
Step two to implementing a low-carb approach to weight loss is leaving your protein levels at 15-25% of your daily caloric intake. Now, however, the overwhelming majority of your protein will come from animal instead of plant foods. Flesh foods such as meat, poultry and fish will supply all the amino acids needed for proper growth and repair of body tissues.
Step three to implementing a low-carb approach to weight loss is increasing your animal fat levels to 60-70% of your daily caloric intake. You accomplish this by not trimming off the fat of your red meat. When you eat an 8 oz. (one-half pound) steak you want to make sure that the lean to the fat ratio is not more than 3 to 1. That means 6 ounces have to be lean meat accompanied with 2 ounces of fat by weight. You don't take off the skin from your poultry. You smother your your non-starchy vegetables with butter. You pour real cream without additives over your blueberries. You embellish you salad greens with chunks of full-fat cheeses and slices of hard boiled eggs. You avoid all low-fat, non-fat, reduced-fat dairy products. You take only real heavy whipping cream in your coffee, tea or cocoa.
Only your total carbohydrates are restricted. Your total intake of proteins and fats is left to your appetite and and not restricted at all. You will not be hungry on this way of eating. You can expect to lose on average 7-8 pounds a month, even though in the beginning you can lose more due to the excretion of water. In six months you can lose 50 pounds. In one year it is possible to lose 100 pounds. You will only reduce your excess fat stores. You will not cannibalize your lean muscle mass, which is often the case on severely restricted caloric diets. Carbohydrates are the only foods that fatten fat people. Fat and protein are slimming foods. They help you burn up your excess fat and they stop making more.
Myron Jackler is a weight-loss counselor at Eat the Fat of the Land in Oak Park, Michigan. His website is a valuable resource for his clients and members of the general public who desire to achieve permanent successful weight loss in a sustainable manner.
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