Many people think that eating fat will make you fat. If you were to remove all of the fat from your diet, your body would not function properly, as the human body does need fat to survive. The type and amount of fat needed are the facts to pay attention to.
The total amount of fat that you should consume in one day is no more than 30% of your total calorie intake. So, if you are eating 2,000 calories per day, you would multiply 2,000 by .30 to equal 600 calories. This means that no more than 600 of your calories should come from daily fat consumption. Now, when most people calculate the amount of fat that they are eating, they look at the nutrition labels on food packages.
Most nutrition information comes in grams, so we need to convert the 600 calories to grams. Fat contains 9 calories per gram, so we simply have to divide 600 calories by 9, which give us 66 grams of fat. Let me restate that, no more than 66 grams of fat should be eaten in a day.
Of those 30% of your calories, only 10% (22 grams) should come from saturated fats. Saturated fats come from animal sources and are usually found in commercial bakery products (pies, cakes, cookies), animal meats, chicken skin, lard, butter, hard margarine, cheese, whole milk and anything that uses these products as one of their ingredients.
Saturated fats have been known to clog your arteries, thus causing heart disease and stroke.
The remaining 20% of your fat calories (44 grams) should come from non-saturated fats. Non-saturated fats are the good fats that your body needs to stay healthy. By eating good fats, your body will reduce the risk of developing heart disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's. These good fats also help cushion and protect your internal organs and store energy for your body.
Good fats generally come from vegetables and include oils such as, olive oil, canola oil and peanut oil. Avocados are rich in good fat and help lover your bad cholesterol. Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts and peanuts protect you against heart disease and are quick and easy to eat for a mid-afternoon snack.
Make sure to pay attention to the serving size so that you are not consuming too many calories! Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are also a great source of fiber and can be tossed onto a salad or into yogurt. Fish is one of the best sources of good fat, especially salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna.
Simply substitute it for your meat at dinner.
As you can see, your body needs these good fats to help maintain your health. By paying attention to how much fat and what type of fat, you will be reducing the risk of developing heart disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's.
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