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sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

Weight Loss Tips to Take Control of Your Life and Accelerate Your Fat Loss

This article is for the busy Moms who want to lose their body fat. The first thing you should do is write down everything that you eat. This is one of the best weight loss tips you will ever get from me.

No foolin' sister!

Because the answers may surprise you. Using a food journal is one of the best ways you can go about taking control of what you put into your body. And spare me the ol' "But Matt... I don't have time for this..." argument!

You see, it is pretty simple... as simple as just keeping a thin notebook in your pocket to find out exactly what you are feeding yourself during the day. You don't have to do this every day. But you should do it often enough to get a good idea what you are doing about nutrition and how to attack the fat loss problem.

I'm betting because you are a busy Mom, that you will have no idea where you get most of your food -- perhaps eating your children's leftovers?

Keeping a food journal allows you to positively identify the problem areas. You won't have to "guess" or "deny" why you are gaining weight.

And don't get anal here. Just jot down what you are eating and estimate the amount. It is just to give you an idea how much food you have been eating all day. And whether those foods are supportive to your fat loss diet.

Take care that you don't view the food journal as a chore. Your entries should be basic and easy to understand to you. You just want to know exactly what your eating habits are like to identify how you can make smarter choices and reduce your fat loss. Ideally, it shouldn't take five minutes (max) per day to journal quickly every time you eat something. After breakfast, take a few seconds to jot down what you ate. How much you ate. And do that every time you snack, eat a meal at home or in town.

I think you should get enough information after a few days to get a grasp of your eating habits and what habits you need to break. My feeling is... getting a food journal is one of the best ways to get started on the road to slimming down. Because you can work out extremely hard but your bad eating habits can be counterproductive to your weight loss goals.

So get a memo pad, journal your eating habits and figure out what you can do to improve it. What a simple way to get very effective results that will pay off big time down the road.

Discover how you will: Never be confused about effective fat loss again. Get rid of orange peel thighs. Wave goodbye to those cottage cheese arms. . Once and for all, fit back into your old "thin" clothes... AND spend more time with the family because you are not wasting it on useless and boring cardio exercises!

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Click here to find out how you can use insider secrets to get a flat stomach. Go to Six Pack Abs and grab the free fat loss report.

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