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sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

Fat Loss Secret Foods

There are many types of speeding metabolism foods which can help you to lose fat fast. It may seem like a taboo that one could actually lose fat by actually eating rather than starving. You may have already been consuming some of these foods without you even knowing it. You can reap the benefits of losing fat fast just by simply enhancing them to your diet more often.

If you ever liked spicy foods you may already have come across consuming pepper. Hot and spicy foods such as Cayenne peppers, habaneros and jalapenos are good at speeding up the metabolic rate. Aside from tasting hot, they also turn your digestive system into an internal furnace to burn off fat faster. The surplus point is that your metabolism is kept boosted for up to 3 hours after consumption and this is basically a long-haul fat burn routine. So it is good that you take advantage of spicy foods but do be cautious as to other ingredients in the spicy dish which may contain too much fat and carbohydrates.

Foods containing protein such as eggs, beans, nuts, lean white meat and even peanut butter will help boost your metabolism. Having peanut butter moderately in our diet is healthy as it contains both protein and monounsaturated fats. Aside from reducing belly fat, monounsaturated fats also help improve your health by reducing cholesterol levels, lowering risk of heart disease and stroke and also reduce risk of breast cancer. Remember never to discard nuts entirely even thought they are high in fat as they are also an integral component in your fat loss plan when consumed in moderation.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also good for you. Aside from protecting your heart it also helps to speed up your metabolic rate. This Omega-3 fatty acids can be found mostly in fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna. Fish is a great source of protein which is important in speeding up metabolism. Aside from being a protein source it also helps to lower the level of leptin in your system. Research has proven that lowering leptin levels in our body do help lose fat fast and effectively.

Fruits and vegetables are essential in any fat loss diets. Berries and dark green leafy vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. Not only do they help cleanse your body cells of fat but also helps to fill your hunger quickly and decrease your body's calorie absorption rate thus reducing your cravings for food.

Whole grains such as oatmeal are equally vital in speeding up our metabolism. Many low-carb diets often overlook this even though it provides glucose and energy for our brain to function properly. Glucose is essential, however the sugar in your daily food triggers heavy releases of insulin that if not burned off will be stored as fat. Whole grains though, boosts metabolism through consistent release of insulin to the blood stream due to it's slow digestion.

Remember that you can still enjoy having your daily food while losing fat as long as you know which are the right foods that you should concentrate on. Losing fat should always be an enjoyable process.

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