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quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011

Fat Loss Concepts - Are Fat Loss 4 Idiots Website's Strategies Scientific

First of all I would like to tell the readers that the article has been written by a doctor who knows the biological mechanisms regarding fat loss. Now we first shall see the basic concepts about weight loss before launching into discussion about fat loss 4 idiots site.

The main concept around which this discussion revolves is the balance between intake and output of energy in your body.

(A) The intake of energy is obviously controlled by you. The amount and quality of diet you take, influence the input. High fat and carbohydrate rich diet, low in fibers is the worst diet you can take. About fibers it is said that they do not allow total absorption of fat by decreasing the transit time of food in your bowels. This part is the path that fat loss 4 idiots takes. Their fat loss strategies all revolve around this.

(B) The output of energy has two components. One of them is the energy you burn at rest - the basal metabolic rate. The second component is the one which we use while doing any kind of work.

(i) The basal metabolic rate (or BMR - a very important factor in gaining or losing fat) is partly inherent, that is high in some and low in others. This property confers the tendency of some people to increase in girth, while others stay the same. The BMR is also dependent on the life you lead. A sedentary life leads to a low BMR while an active life leads to a high BMR.

(ii) The second component is completely governed by the type of life you lead, that is a sedentary or an active life.

One other concept that you all should know that the BMR is never constant. The body has an inherent tendency to conserve energy, and this gets pronounced when you eat less, that is when you go on a diet. The only way to keep the BMR constantly up is to lead an active life. Thus in fat loss regimens, exercise always has an upper hand over diet control.

With this background information we shall start reviewing the Fat loss 4 idiots site.

Their diet chart is based on the fact that if you keep varying the proportions of calories from different types of food in your daily diet, you will end losing fat despite having a normal diet. This 'variable diet fat loss' theory has a sound logic behind it and in my opinion just might work without leaving you miserable.

The way they calculate everyday food requirements for you is just superb. Its like having a personal dietitian on call. I haven't actually experienced the diet, but by seeing the response it is getting in the market, it must be a pretty efficient in what it claims to do.

If you are in need of weight loss and do not want to be miserable while you are at it, you may want to give them a try. If you want to read a few more interesting articles pertaining to fat loss, you may visit this blog: Here I have listed some of the latest concepts pertaining to weight loss, derived from authentic studies.

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