Diabetes nutrition is an important part of every diabetic's treatment plan because a lack of certain vitamins in the diet can negatively affect glucose levels. Those with this illness need key vitamins and minerals in their systems that boost the ability to metabolize foods adequately. High blood sugars, which is the root of this disease, can contribute to an entire host of physical conditions that can eventually lead to death. Heart disease, stroke, infections, eye diseases, and other serious conditions can result from blood sugar that is not broken down appropriately in the blood stream. Because diabetes affects over twenty million people in America, doctors are concerned about the growing number of people who are diagnosed with this illness every year. Though no one specific cause can be attributed to the disease, diets rich in complex carbohydrates that are considered as "bad carbs" can be a contributing factor. Therefore, changing a diet and using diabetes nutritional supplements can help promote better metabolism, overcoming abnormalities. Anyone interested in living a healthy life-style, not just diabetics, should research the different recommended vitamins and minerals that can supplement the average lacking American diet.
To completely understand how to prevent and treat diabetes, those interested should first understand what this illness actually is. Diabetes nutrition may not cure this disease, but knowing what affects metabolism, and why that is necessary, can guide diabetics and those wanting a healthy lifestyle in choosing the right food groups and effective diabetes nutritional supplements. When a person is diagnosed as a diabetic, he or she has high levels of blood sugar or glucose in their blood stream. The pancreas is an organ that releases insulin which is the key component to metabolizing blood sugars and turning them into energy. When the pancreas is not producing sufficient insulin or there are abnormal levels of insulin, diabetes is a result. Symptoms that will indicate a problem include frequent urination, extreme thirst or hunger or both, a sudden loss of weight, fatigue, problems in healing effectively, and tingling or numbing in the feet. This illness can also exist for a period of time without showing significant signs, which is a dangerous situation. Damage to some organs and nerves can occur before the disease is ever detected.
Research is proving that eating certain foods and taking specific vitamins can help prevent the damage, or further damage, that diabetes can inflict. Diabetes nutritional supplements programs coupled with eating good healthy foods has, in some cases, actually diminished the effects of this disease. In some, if the illness is detected early enough, diabetes nutrition with proper diet, exercise, and the taking of additional vitamins can actually be controlled without medications or insulin injections. A diet that includes plenty of plant fiber that is found in whole grain breads, beans, and produce is essential. Sugars and saturated animal fats will need to be avoided. Protein can be used in moderation. Fruits and vegetables are very important. Fruits and vegetables that are not high in sugar content are best, staying away from carrots, dried fruits, and watermelon. Ideal diets contain five servings of vegetables and fruits daily.
Recommended supplements that are helpful for those who have been diagnosed as diabetics include chromium. Chromium should be included with diabetes nutrition plans because this mineral aids in controlling glucose levels. Those who have been diagnosed are often to be found with low levels of chromium in their blood streams, meaning that low levels could be a contributing factor to a Type 2 diagnosis. Other important diabetes nutritional supplements are vitamin E and vitamin C. Studies have shown that when E vitamins are added to the diet, the chances of heart disease can be lowered, and with C vitamins, research is indicating that this vitamin helps keep blood plasma in normal ranges and reduces the risk of cancer and also heart disease.
When researching other vitamins and minerals that can be helpful in controlling blood sugar levels and protecting against damage, seekers will also want to take time for daily devotionals and time with the Lord. Along with diabetes nutritional supplements and a healthy lifestyle, daily time with God can lead to better health in spirit and emotion. God is the true source of all strength and encouragement. Scriptures explain God's character and will for everyone's life and His promises are full of hope for the future. "And I said, 'This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High. I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.' Thou art the God that doest wonders: thou hast declared thy strength among the people." (Psalms 77:10-12,14)
It is important to spend time getting informed about diet, diabetes nutrition, and the affects that exercise can have on diabetes. Taking control of this disease before it takes control of one's health will mean the difference between leading a quality (and improved) lifestyle or living in a desperate mode of despair due to disease advancements. Take time to find out as much information as possible, equipping yourself with the right tools to gain better health.
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