An important part of diabetes prevention is nutrition because diet is key to obtaining the best possible metabolic management. Type 2 diabetes is closely related to the foods that one eats and to being overweight, making a healthy lifestyle an important factor in keeping this illness at bay. Those who have a family history, especially, will want to follow proper diet plans and get plenty of exercise to lower their risks for being diagnosed with this illness. Those who have been diagnosed as diabetics will want to follow a diet plan rich in vitamins and minerals to help with effective diabetes management. Diabetes is a serious illness that can lead to many associated complications and even death. But, there is good news for those who are diagnosed with Type 2 in the early stages. Type 2, which is an insulin resistant form of this disease, can be controlled with a nutritional diet plan that includes supplements and activity. Type 2, in some cases, can even be reversed with nutritious foods, unlike Type 1, which is an auto-immune deficiency.
Getting informed about what diabetes is and what complications can result will help those who have been diagnosed with this illness understand how to treat it and how to live a life that cannot only control blood sugar levels, but that can also be more abundant, with patients feeling better. This illness is an illness of the pancreas and the insulin that it produces. Insulin is the substance that is used in breaking down glucose, which is used for energy, in the blood stream. When there is a lack of insulin, glucose builds up in the blood stream and entire host of problems can result. Diabetes management will mean controlling glucose levels and with type 2, this can be done with certain foods and supplements. Glucose levels are determined by blood tests that can be administered at home, giving the patient the ability to monitor levels and determine what foods and/or activities are being helpful. Some Type 2 diabetics need only monitor on a weekly basis when eating a diet that is beneficial to breaking down sugar in the blood. Type 1 diabetics will generally need to test several times a day and have insulin administered to control glucose levels.
The risks involved with untreated glucose levels are significant. When blood sugars build up in the body over a period of years, arteries can become damaged which leads to several different complications. Poor blood circulation and nerve damage are common with diabetics. These conditions can lead to heart disease, stroke, or damaged tissue, especially in the feet, that could result in amputation. Damaged arteries can also affect the eyes and there is a risk for blindness. Years of high blood sugar levels can also result in kidney disease that can result in kidney failure, which is fatal. Anyone at risk for this disease will want to learn as much about diabetes prevention as possible, taking care to give the body what it needs to metabolize blood sugars.
Because what one eats plays a significant role in metabolizing sugars in the blood stream, it is important to follow a diet that aids in effectively breaking down blood sugar. Carbohydrates play an important role in diabetes management. Carbohydrates are an important element in nutrition, but too much of "bad carbs" should be avoided. Vegetables, whole grains, fruits, beans, lean meats, and fish are good choices. Overloading on protein with a low carbohydrate- high protein diet is not recommended, but a balanced approach to nutrition is best. Processed foods pose a problem because they are high in saturated fats. Exercise is also key to diabetes prevention and management. An active lifestyle increases the metabolism of glucose.
Being diagnosed with this illness can be frightening, and with good reason. However, with Type 2 of this illness, a lifestyle change can make a big difference. Those at risk will want to start now, planning a well-balanced diet, taking diabetes prevention measures. The Lord, God created the bodies that we now live in, and He intended for these bodies to be taken care of at the best of our abilities. The Bible indicates that over-indulging in any substance, food included, is a form of sinning. "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." (1 Corinthians 3:17) Over eating and over indulging in any substance is harmful to the body and becomes an addictive behavior. We are to have control over the body and use it for God's glory. We are to exercise control over what we eat.
For more information on what vitamins and mineral supplements are helpful in diabetes management, log onto the Internet where there are publications by different professional resources. Getting informed is the best place to begin knowing what diet course to follow. When we are equipped with correct information, we become motivated to take control of the problem. Diabetes prevention and care begin with learning as much as possible.
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