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terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

Rapid Weight Loss Diet Pill - Top 3 Extreme Weight Loss Supplements For Burning Fat Reviewed!

We all look for rapid weight loss diet pills to burn fat. And there are plenty of them being sold over the counter and online. The choice is really not easy.

Here is a review of Top 3 rapid weight loss diet pills for burning fat:

Acai Berry

This grape like fruit from the Brazilian rain forests owes its fame to talk shows like Oprah Winfrey & Rachel Ray. This fruit is traditionally used by the Central & South Americans to cure their digestion issues and gain energy. This fruit is rated on the top in the diet charts of medical and health experts like Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Nicholas V. Perricone and Bob Greene. Dr. Oz on one of the talk shows explained: The key to maintaining proper weight is a proper digestion system. Acai berry is rich in the healthy fatty acids, fibers and anti oxidants that maintain proper working of the digestion system. This results in rapid weight loss. Besides, it is a panacea that would help in several ways and it has no side effects. Now many acai berry diet pills are available online. You should select only the very trusted brands.

Colon Cleansing

It is a process of detoxifying the colon and removing the fecal matter & undigested food from the bowel area. When the colon is clogged with the toxins, the digestion system gets disturbed and the crevices of the intestines get cluttered up with the waste matter. This can stay up in our internal system for years together. These diet supplements remove this fecal matter and hence help you reduce 15 to 20 pounds in a month. Remember, the right dosage in these rapid weight loss diet pills is very important. Also, it must not be done for more than one month at a stretch.


This is compound extracted from the skin of red fruits and plants like Japanese knotweed and peanuts. It is also found in grapes and red wine. This is utmost helpful in weight loss and anti aging. This is a rather new concept in weight loss. Earlier it was only known as an anti aging diet. This is a great anti aging supplement but as a rapid weight loss diet pill, it is yet not that successful.

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Get additional information or to request one of the FREE Acai or FREE Colon Cleanse samples.

Visit ---> Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse

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A Simple But Effective Wedding Weight Loss Diet

Who doesn't want to look great on their wedding day? Below you will find a simple wedding weight loss diet that is easy to incorporate into your busy schedule. By following this a few weeks before your big day you can easily lose up to 10 pounds.

Everyone knows that exercise and nutrition go together, but there is also one other key ingredient and that is water. Drinking lots of water will jump start your wedding weight loss diet and get you even better results.

Because you are trying to lose weight fast for a big occasion you really should attempt to drink as much water as possible. This helps your body cleanse your colon and flush out any toxins and other debris that has been lurking around in your body. If you have been drinking lots of sodas and alcohol then switching to water can produce huge results!

A wedding weight loss diet wouldn't be complete without some type of exercise. Walking is easy and fun to do. Grab some members of the bridal party and go out walking, at the same time you can discuss any wedding preparations too.

If you are having a formal wedding you may want to brush up on your dancing steps. This way you are getting exercise and improving your dancing techniques at the same time. If you try to make the exercise related to your wedding you will be more motivated to keep to it over the next few weeks.

Nutrition is important at any time, but for a bride going on a wedding weight loss diet you have to be certain that you are fuelling your body correctly. Cutting back on calories is great but your body needs energy to work efficiently. This includes eating protein, fruits, carbs and vegetables.

An easy way to cut out calories is to switch unhealthy choices for low fat alternatives. Instead of a cookie or doughnut, reach for a low fat muffin. Rice cakes are better than chips and crackers. If you have a sweet tooth, try freezing some grapes. Then just pop one in your mouth any time you have a sweet craving.

Eating smaller portions is key for your wedding weight loss diet to work. Measure out your meat, potatoes and breads each day. Then you can fill up on low calorie choices such as salads, soups and vegetables. Remember that dressing and sauces can have loads of hidden calories, so add them into your dietary allowances.

It is recommended to eat 1200 calories to lose weight effectively. You should eat a good, hearty breakfast and lunch, then make dinner the smallest meal of the day. This way your body has ample time to burn off the calories throughout the day. By eating a large meal at dinner and then just sitting on the couch watching TV, your body doesn't get to burn the calories properly.

So for your wedding weight loss diet eat smaller portions of healthy low fat foods, drink as much water as possible and add in some form of exercise each day. This will have you looking fantastic on your wedding day.

To get great information on looking your best on your special day, please visit Wedding Weight Loss diet.

Top Diet of 2009 to Lose 15 Pounds - Secret Weight Loss Diet of the Year to Burn 15-20 Lbs Exposed

Weight loss diets are one of the prime demands of all time. The dieters now look for the best and the fastest weight loss diets. Are you looking forward to lose 15 pounds? Before actually going for a weight loss plan, you must incorporate certain changes in your lifestyle and eating habits. This would add to the benefits resulted by the diet you choose. It is often hard to decide which diet program would actually help in weight loss without any side effects. One name that you can bank upon is acai berry diet.

Top Diet of 2009 to Lose 15 Pounds - A combination of Colon Cleansing and Acai Berry

· Acai Berry diet to lose 15 pounds

Recommended by various celebrities and health experts, acai berry is termed as the 'true superfood' for the dieters. It has innumerable benefits in terms of health & fitness. Acai berry is a fruit found in the jungles of Amazon. It has high nutritional value. It is now known as the top diet of the year 2009.

Benefits of Acai:

- It has high amount of healthy fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9). These fatty acids eradicate the fat cells and helps in weight loss.

- Acai berry has high fiber content and fiber content is always helpful in weight loss.

- It helps you lose 5 to 20 pounds of your current weight in a few weeks only.

- It helps in losing the fat stored in the abdominal area and gives you a flat belly. Abdominal area is a part that is the most noticeable once you gain weight.

- It has no side effects.

· Colon Cleansing to lose 15 pounds

Colon cleansing is probably the best means to detox your body. It is a process that helps you get rid of the toxins created inside the body along with those taken by the external sources like air and water.

Benefits of Colon Cleansing:

- It removes the fecal matter & undigested food stuck up in the intestines.

- It helps in weight management.

- It removes the fat stored in the belly area.

- It enhances your energy mentally as well as physically.

- Acai berry itself acts as a great colon cleanser.

Try the Dynamic Duo for Weight Loss & Total Body Detox!

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Get additional information or to request one of the FREE Acai or FREE Colon Cleanse samples.

Visit ---> Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse

FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today!

Daily Weight Loss Diet Plan to Lose Weight Fast & Keep it Off - The 4 Best Diet Plans to Get Skinny

There is no doubt about it, a solid daily weight loss diet plan will help guide you to your weight loss goals. Especially if you're a beginning dieter, the best diet plans will walk you through the first stages and almost guaranteed you a quicker route to success.

One of the best daily weight loss diet plan is Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers is one of the oldest diets, but it is very popular. This diet will provide you with encouragement in weekly meetings from former Weight Watcher's dieters.

The emphasis on this program is portion control points. Every food is assigned points based on it's serving size of calories, fat, fiber. Many people who have used this plan believe the best part is that there are no foods forbidden.

Another effective daily weight loss diet plan is Ediets. This program will allow you to choose from more than 20 diet plans, and this includes plans for diabetics, and vegetarians.

It will allow you to set goals, plan menus, and produce shopping lists. What most people really find beneficial about this diet plan is that you can get a hold of a registered dietitian or personal trainer by phone.

The South Beach diet is also a very effective program that provides a solid plan to lose weight fast. This program was designed by Arthur Agatsin, who is a cardiologist. The emphasis on the South Beach diet is good carbs and good fat.

For the first 2 weeks following this program you'll consume 3 low-carb meals each day plus additional snacks. After the initial 2 weeks you'll start adding good carbs like fruits and whole grains. The nice thing about this program is that it will allow you to easily find recipes and produce your own personalized shopping list.

One of the most popular and effective daily weight loss diet plan is Jenny Craig. This program will allow you to order nutritionally balanced packaged food through phone and pick it up at the Jenny Craig center.

You will be required to consume 3 Jenny Craig meals plus an additional small each day. At least one time out of each week you'll get a weight in and pep talk with a consultant. With any daily weight loss diet plan you follow it must allow you to lose weight in a healthy manner so you can keep off the weight you've lossed.

Check out this weight loss program which will help you lose 5-9 pounds in just a week and a half----> Click Here

Fast Diets that will help you lose the weight and keep it off.

A Weight Loss Diet Plan That Works

Dieting is a tough lifestyle choice for many people who would want to lose weight fast. The wide array of weight loss diets makes the selection process very confusing. Many people can easily get lost in all of the different plans that they have out there. In choosing a diet that is right for you consider these basic principles to your weight loss diet plan.

A Weight Loss Diet Plan Does Not Deprive You

Choose a weight loss diet that has the right quantities and the right kinds of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is important to remember to include an adequate amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet too. Vegetables and some fruits are free calories or just by eating them you burn any of the calories that you may have gained. Although a lot of diets would tell you to avoid certain kinds of food, choose a diet that does not limit the enjoyable experience you have with food. Check if these weight loss diets have a sound medical research basis and are simply not just fads.

Drink Water

Water flushes out harmful chemicals, substances and corrosive toxins as well as excess fat from the body. Water is also a natural appetite suppressant that gives you the feeling of fullness. By drinking a little more than your daily requirement of water you can also increase the amount of weight that you lose.

Choose Fiber-Rich Food

Fiber is a complex form of carbohydrate from plants and the outer layers of the grain, bran, seeds and pulp of vegetables and fruits. This supplies our body with bulk or roughage which plays an important role in digestion and metabolism in weight loss diets. Fiber in weight loss diets gives you that feeling of "fullness" in your body, helping you eat less food. The prebiotics and probiotics in fiber-rich weight loss diets help in digestion and metabolism and the overall wellness of the body. Lastly, fiber gives you a feeling of fullness that prevents you from craving and binging. Satisfying your cravings and binge eating can be some of the most destructive things that you can do while dieting.

Choose the "Good" Cholesterol

Good cholesterol in the form of high density lipoproteins transports other forms of cholesterol from our blood vessels consequently allowing these other forms of cholesterol to be metabolized and excreted in the form of bile. High density lipoproteins in weight loss diets are said to have beneficial effects to the blood vessels of the heart. Increase the "good" cholesterol in your body and decrease the "bad" cholesterol.

Choose Essential Fatty Acids

Have a weight loss diet that is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Examples of Omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexanoic acid (DHA). These are easily found in weight loss diets that include crustaceans such as scallops and oysters and cold water fish like mackerel, salmon, sardines and herring. Flax seed, flax seed oil and walnuts are other sources of omega-3. Meanwhile, examples of omega-6 fatty acids are gamma linolenic acid and arachidonic acid. Rich sources of omega-6 include primrose and corn.

There are many things that you can do in order to help you get past your hurdles and the things that prevent you from losing the weight that you desire. I would keep going. Don't stop. If you do, then your target weight will be yours.

Elliot Jones
Health Student
Cabbage Soup Diet

The Biggest Loser - What Fat Loss Tips You Get From This TV Show

Have you ever watched the TV show called "The Biggest Loser"? It is a popular show almost everywhere it is on air. What does that mean? It means that people are now facing serious overweight problems and they want to find the way out. A lot watch it because they want to know how to competition ends and who wins. We are going to skip over that and look at what we can learn from the show. There are some fat loss tips that we learn from it and we can use them to lose weight.

We know that we lose weight by using more calories than what we eat in a day. Normally, an average woman who has sedentary lifestyle needs about 1,800 calories per day. A man who has similar lifestyle will need about 2,200 calories. If they exercise three to five days per week, they will need additional 200 calories per day. The key is to eat less than these numbers and the body will take calories from the fat you have.

Another way is to increase your calories burning by having more exercise. Make your calories requirement higher and you will lose more fat. In the show, we will see both. We see that the contestants eat less. They have to control what they eat. They have to select certain types of food and reduce the quantity. All of them have their diet menus to follow.

They also exercise like hell. All of them have to follow the instruction from professional trainers. They know that without exercising, it is impossible to be the biggest loser in that short period. Most of the contestants follow the course well. Yet many do not succeed that much due to the condition of their minds and bodies.

What do we learn here?

We learn that we can also be the biggest loser if we change our lifestyle the same way the contestants do. Here are some of what you can do:

- Avoid being in the surroundings of having foods that you cannot resist. Find some ways to distract you from foods and focus on your fat loss goals.

- Have friends or love ones who support you on your fat loss project.

- Reward yourself when you achieve your goals. This will do even if the reward is small like taking a short break or going out for fresh air.

- Select the right food in your refrigerator. Make sure that you get rid of all fatty things.

- Set realistic goals and work on them until you succeed. Refrain from blaming others. This is your life and your acts determine the result you get.

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Rapid Weight Loss Diet - Lose Those Extra Pounds Quickly

Everybody seems to be in a hurry. People would always go for the word fast, rapid and quick. Most of todays rapid weight loss diet programs prescribe some sort of pill or supplement. Others believe that by simply starving themselves, they will achieve their ideal weight faster. The problem with these tactics or approach is that you are risking not only the fat content but the muscle mass in your body as well. Losing muscle mass is really unhealthy and unnecessary. Most people who take drastic measures to acquire their desired weight tend to get sick before they even reach their ideal weight. The three common factors that affect your weight are fat, water retention and muscle tissue. Most people, who feel bloated after eating or drinking, usually have a lot of water retention in their body while others might simply have fats and heavy muscle tissues.

Pills may seem to be the most effective rapid weight loss diet at first. However, you cannot go on like this forever, which is why it is important to think about the long term effects of your chosen diet. Stick to a diet program or plan that you know you can commit to for a long period of time. Pills will only give you a temporal result because the moment you stop taking these pills, you will either gain weight faster or you might suffer from some sort of side effects. You must understand that weight loss is not all about being slim or looking good. Weight loss should make you look and feel better at the same time. Remember that there is no such thing as instant diet. Diet in general takes time because you will have to allow your body to adjust and make sure that you maintain the ideal weight once you reach your ideal weight. The safest way to go for is to visit your doctor and let him or her know about your plans and have him or her check whether or not you really need to lose some weight. It is important that you check on your health condition before enrolling yourself to any weight loss program or treatment. Another way of losing weight is to create a food journal wherein you write about what you should eat and what you should avoid. Always watch what you eat and avoid fatty foods because fatty foods in general will increase your weight. Try to count your calorie intake. Consume more fruits, vegetables and fish rather than meat. Stay away from sweets as well as processed foods. Avoid eating huge meals. You can eat six times a day provided you only eat ample amount every now and then. Regular exercise is a must. Most doctors and nutritionist says that people who exercise tends to live longer compared to those who do not exercise at all.

Rapid weight loss diet in the form of starvation or pills is really ineffective. You may be risking your health too much and besides this kind of approach is very expensive. With so many gyms to choose from, finding a place to exercise shouldn't be a problem. Discipline is all you need to achieve your desired weight.

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Your Must Have Guide to Fast Weight Loss Diets

Fast weight loss diets have existed ever since the first person who looked at themselves and thought "I need to lose some weight." Despite the fact that many of us have found quick "fad" diets to show weight loss, it's normally short-term. We're still looking for that one diet program that can help us lose weight fast and actually keep it off.

There might never be a miraculously fast weight loss program however there are actual things you can do to help you get your weight loss moving. Here's the way you do it.

Consume the Proper Amount of Foods to Improve Your Metabolism

A lot of us when dieting look at the amount of calories eaten. It's not really that you're eating too many but maybe you're consuming too few.

You may well be making the big mistake of not eating enough calories that is certain to actually decrease your metabolism. To burn body fat effectively, you need to consume enough calories to fuel your basal metabolic rate or BMR. Calculators can be found on the Internet.

Your best bet is to get much of your daily calories via lean protein, vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts as well as whole grain.

After you spend several weeks eating the proper foods and amount of calories, fat pounds will melt away.

Add Some Exercise

I've discovered that a lot of fast weight loss diet plans don't include exercise. Most of them tell you to just shed extra pounds by eating a little bit of food. While in the outset you'll drop a lot of pounds, eventually you'll just gain it back when you start eating normal again.

I've also found these kinds of fast weight loss programs don't have the same health advantages as eating a well-balanced meal as well as including exercise.

The most effective exercise routine to include in your eating plan is anything cardio and strength training. Only 3-5 hours of cardio and 2 hours of weight training per week will make enormous changes in your physique and level of fitness.

Therefore overall, don't stress out your body with a fast weight loss diet. You'll just end up hungry, grouchy, tired and bulkier than prior to that diet. Stick to a smart diet plan and the right amount of exercise each week to get you where you wish to be.

Michelle is the author of Special K Diet Plan where you'll discover the secret weight loss strategies that will burn fat right off your body. Check out the site to get the "real" scoop on the Special K diet and see if it's right for you.

The True and Honest Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Review

Well by now you've no doubt heard about the latest rage in dieting, known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots. This simple plan is all the buzz for those who have found the old diet plans useless.

Results have been positive. Fat Loss 4 Idiots has taken what used to seem like a very complicated problem and brought it down to a level where, well, even an idiot can do it.

They have a software program that after you answer a few questions about the foods you like, will spit you out an eleven day menu with healthy fat-burning foods in your favorite categories.

It also requires that you don't gorge, but eat until you are at the point of being full, then cut it off. And you will need to spread your meals out to make your day consist of 4 meals.

Unlike so many hard to do diets, this one is kinda like a 'set it and forget it' Ronco thing. Keep the meal schedule and wait. No exercise advice, no calorie or carb counting, no fuss. And every eleven days you get rewarded with three days of eating any way you like. After three days, you simply start your eleven day cycle all over again.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots gets a lot of reviews, and the negative side is a hard side to write about. Seems it passes all the hard tests. Some don't like the name, or the fact it has no customer support, but if it works what do you need support for?

Some people have a problem with the claim of 'lose 9 pounds in 11 days'. But naturally, everyone's metabolism is different, so this can only be taken as an estimated figure. The facts prove you WILL lose weight. Just give it a try after deciding if it's right for you!

STOP. Before you go and get a weight loss program make sure you check out a more thorough review of this weight loss program. Make sure you get a weight loss program that details the pro's and con's of your desired fat loss program.

Get your thorough Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review now so you can make the right decision!

Weight Loss Diet Plans Can Help You Shed Weight Permanently

People do everything to cut down their body weight. Pills, concoctions, exercise and even divine help is taken to that effect. You cannot blame them because excessive body weight can prove to be a killer in the long term. The biggest question troubling most of us is 'how to bring my body weight down and sustain the reduction'. Several theories have been mooted as successful fatness reducers. Dieting is the most common fat busters, and weight loss diet plans are becoming increasingly common and successful these days.

When you start any action plan to reduce weight, the first thing you should note is that most weight loss tactics proves to be successful only for limited periods. Secondly, you need to ask yourself whether you can sustain the diet plan for long periods in the face of delicious temptations. Most experts advocate a proper diet plan combined with a physical exercise regime. But the problem is that most of us fail to stick to the plans and the result of this would not be pleasant.

So the emphasis is to keep dieting and exercising to the bare minimum and still cut body weight. The shifting calorie theory professes neither abstinence nor excessive exercises. Here, you can eat anything you want, but at limited quantities at irregular intervals. The irregular supply of food forces your body to burn stored up fat and also restricts it from storing up more, irrespective of what you eat. Hence, your weight loss diet plans, thus designed, would help you not only to reduce weight, but also to keep your weight under permanent control.

If you want to know more about weight loss diets then feel free to visit Free Diet Plan

Quick Weight Loss Diet Plan - Tips to Lose Weight Quickly?

Quick weight loss diet plan is closely related to the way people consume foods. For years, people have used the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Guide Pyramid to direct their eating choices. The pyramid, found on the side on cereal boxes and other products, suggests a range of servings for grains, vegetables, fruits, meats, dairy, and fats.

No matter your age, no matter your fitness level, the pyramid suggests you make grains the cornerstone of your diet, followed by vegetables and fruit, then dairy and meat and topped with a small amount of fat and sweets for a quick weight loss diet plan.

It just doesn't work, particularly for people who exercise on a regular basis. Though the simple design of the pyramid creates an easy-to-follow food plan, the system is seriously flawed in numerous other ways, a problem that even the USDA, which design the pyramid, now acknowledges.

Developed way back in 1992 during the relative dark ages of nutritional science, the USDA's Food Guide Pyramid desperately needs an overhaul.

For example, the pyramid places all fats at the tippy top, cautioning us to eat them sparingly. Yet since 1992, we've learned that not all fats are bad. Some fats, such as the monounsaturated fats found in olive oil, promote health and can and should be eaten more often. Others, such as the artery-clogging saturated fats found in animal products, should be minimized.

More important, we've also learned that not all people benefit from the same eating plan. For example, a man in his 60s needs more B12 and vitamin D than a man in his 20s. A woman in her 30s needs more folic acid than a woman in her 50s. A teenager needs more calcium than a child or even a pregnant adult women.

Besides your age, your lifestyle also influences your optimal food choices. For example, those who walk, swim, run, or do some other types of physical exercise on regular basis need more calories, protein, and nutrients than those who don't exercise.

In short, no single food guide pyramid fits all people. You can further tailor your pyramid to your unique lifestyle habits, goals, and health background to achieve a quick weight loss diet plan. Each rung of each customized pyramid contains a range of servings for that particular food group. If you are fighting off weight gain, opt for lower end of those servings, particularly for grains, protein-rich foods, calcium-rich foods, and fats. On the other hand, if you log two or more hours a day at the gym, you can probably opt for more servings.

Want to discover these easy secrets to lose weight quickly? Click here now!

Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Really Work?

Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots really work, you ask? All I can say is, "You bet!" I am a new mom who has been trying to shed the unwanted and unhealthy pounds of pregnancy for over a year. At least I WAS I have done it. Just when I thought I was going to have to throw out all of those pre-pregnancy clothes, I found Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

I am not one to sit in a circle once week and tell people about my weight loss issues; nor am I one to count points, calories or carbohydrate grams. Call me lazy, but I just wanted a diet plan that made it possible to lose weight without having to fixate on the fact that I was trying to do so. This is why Fat Loss 4 Idiots works for me. It gives me the freedom of counting every calorie, but still allows me to lose weight.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is an 11 day diet plan that allowed me to create a meal plan that is specific to my own dietary needs. I had to eat a great deal of protein and learn to know how it felt to be satiated and not stuffed, and I had to be okay with eating only fruits and vegetables one day out of the eleven. A bodybuilding friend of mine mentioned that he uses a similar system to prepare his body for competition.

While this may seem a little strict, I found it easy because I just followed what they told me to eat, for eleven days, then, I had four "cheat days" and then, I simply started the cycle again. Easy, as can be! The best thing is, besides getting my body back, I learned how to stop eating before I felt full, and I got in touch with the healthy food choices available to me.

What else can I say? With all of the guesswork removed, I have been able to lose fat, stay focused and most importantly, get myself back into my favorite pair of jeans! So when someone asks, "Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots really work?". I have only one answer...YOU BETCHA!

If you need some help choosing a diet plan to help you in your quest to lose weight and get healthy, or, if you simply want to know more about Fat Loss 4 Idiots, read more here; [] This is the most honest online diet review site on the net.

The Biggest Problem With Rapid Weight Loss Diets

Lets face it, who wants to spend weeks, months or even years to lose weight? One of the reasons why cosmetic surgery is so popular is because it offers us an instant fix. The idea of going into a doctor's surgery "fat" and coming out "thin" 2 hours later is indeed very tempting. Fortunately the high price tag on cosmetic surgery keeps a lot of people from doing it, but it does not keep a lot of people from going for something that is just as dangerous - FAD diets.

The diet industry knows that people are suckers for anything that is instant. Instant weight loss, although we all know is not possible, is being advertised all over the TV, radio and internet. the promise of losing weight quickly without doing much will appeal to virtually all dieters who are suffering away on their diet plans or exercise routines.

Although there are some diets that can help you lose weight quickly, its never a healthy choice. The first problem with rapid weight loss diets is the fact that its often just a false promise and it can leave you jaded and even discouraged from even attempting to lose weight. Using fat burning pills and other forms of instant diets that make you lose weight quickly can be very dangerous. It can affect your hormones in a very negative way, affect your heart and even effect your blood sugar levels which can have some dire long term effects.

Losing or gaining weight too fast is never a good idea. Its unhealthy and while our bodies is designed to change and to accommodate change, its not designed to change overnight. Virtually anyone who's had success with rapid weight loss diets do come round eventually and when they do, they gain all that weight back - and some. Because your body gets better at storing fat when you deprive it, when you do start eating normally again, it can add on pounds faster than you lost it - which again adds to this unhealthy cycle.

The way to lose weight and to keep it off is to simply change your lifestyle. You'd be surprised how quickly you can lose weight when you do it the right way. At first it might be slow but because you are changing your lifestyle, the change is permanent and the results are permanent. This is what will give you long term success.

Are you looking for the fastest way to lose weight? See my blog to read more about the vegetarian weight loss diet.

Your Fat Loss Help to Diet and Exercise

Some people think it is difficult to lose fat; but what they don't know is that perhaps all they need is some fat loss help and guide that will help them achieve the results they want. Sure you hear a lot of people saying that it is all about diet and exercise, but it is easier said than done. Add that to the fact that if you don't do the right exercise or eat the right foods, you might not really achieve your health and fitness goals no matter how much you try.

The best ways to lose fat is through a proper diet and the right fitness routines that are targeted on the key areas of your body where there is more fat concentration. Follow this fat loss help and guide to give you a better idea on how to make this diet and exercise strategy work for you:

1. Choose the food you eat. It is not true that you have to eliminate a lot of food groups in your diet. In fact, you might need a little amount of fat and carbohydrates, two of the foods you are asked to avoid in most diet programs. You need them but you must choose the right kind. This means do not choose saturated fat contained in most fast foods like burgers, French fries and other fried foods. You can also choose wheat bread to replace white bread because this has more fiber and is considered to be complex carbohydrates which supplies energy to the body.

2. Increase your cardiovascular activity. Activities like aerobics, running, swimming and playing sports are able to increase your heart rate and make you perspire. This will help you burn fat much faster and will increase your metabolic rate so that you are able to burn more calories than an average person.

3. Increase the green, leafy vegetables in your diet. The vegetables with these characteristics have the essential nutrients that help the body metabolize the fat much faster because it helps bring in more oxygen into the bloodstream. They also contain enough fiber to keep you full all day so you won't have any cravings. The fiber will also cleanse your system and detoxify every now and then.

4. Do weight lifting exercises. Weight training increases the muscles in your body. If you gain more muscles then you will burn more fat. The more fat you burn, the greater chances of you losing all that fat faster and easier. Weight training is also a good way to tone the body as you lose those unwanted fats in certain areas of the body.

5. Drink lots of water. Increasing your water intake certainly has a lot of benefits. For one, if you keep hydrating yourself, you will have more sustenance as you continue your workouts. You will replenish your strength much faster during exercise routines with more hydration in your body. Second, you will have more oxygen in your body that helps burn the fat. And third, water is a great fat loss help since it makes you feel full, therefore helping you cut back on your calorie intake.

Interested in hearing more? Discover the *secrets* of successful body fat reduction. There are techniques... and tools... that can help. But how do you know which work and which don't? Simple, start here: best way to lose body fat

Fat Loss For Teens is Essential For Their Well Being

As a parent, there is absolutely no doubt that the worst thing you would want to happen to your child is to see them being bullied. Teenagers get bullied for all sorts of reasons. One of the most common reasons is being overweight. Sadly, in today's society, we are seeing younger and younger people suffering from being overweight and it is not uncommon to see children suffering from obesity.

Research into this matter is now telling us that many teens simply do not get enough exercise. Combined with fast food diets and overeating, obesity is not likely to disappear any time soon. It's hard enough being a teenager at the best of time let alone if they are being bullied. If this is happening to your teenager, it time to look at your options for fat loss for teens.

Children learn from example. If adults living in the home aren't eating a healthy, well balanced diet and undertaking exercise on a regular basis, then there is virtually no chance of a child living in that home of being able to lose weight if they have weight issues. Put quite simply (and this may hurt some parents), you, more than likely, are the reason why your child is overweight. Now that's not easy to accept but you have a significant role in making sure that your children maintain a healthy lifestyle through providing healthy meal options and encouraging your children to engage in regular physical activity.

As a way of getting your entire family back on the road to good health, what you could do is start a program that engages everyone. This can be something as simple as walking together during the week and build this up to say a long walk or bike ride at weekends. You could devise all sorts of things to do especially if you have a park, a lake or country track that is within easy reach of your home. Take a picnic with you, but the whole idea is that you are doing something together as a family and you are exercising at the same time. Get the children to help you find different walking or bike tracks and that's a great way to get them involved. Try and vary what you do as children get bored very quickly. Before you get too involved in introducing a physical program for your children, you should consider visiting your doctor or paediatrician as there may be other underlying problems causing the weight issues.

As we mentioned earlier, weight issues are mainly brought about by the lack of physical activity and an inappropriate diet. Knowing that already gives us clues are to what the answers are to correct the problem. Focus on simple fun exercises and vary the activities. Get them involved in team sports, take them to the pool, bowling, running even the Wii. The opportunities are endless and if you can participate with them even better. If you know what's causing the problem then it's time to fix the problem. Keep them busy and keep them fit.

With the increase in physical activity you will see them look better in no time but be careful that you don't increase the amount of food that they eat. Chop out the fast foods instead look to providing healthy, well balanced meals at home. Make their lunches and pack them full of healthy options that they can eat throughout the day. Just like the physical activity where you got them involved in where they could go for their walks or rides, get them to discover healthy meals that they can have a go at cooking. Things like home made pizza and salads can be extremely healthy and importantly they can be made using low fat ingredients.

The problems with fat loss for teens are common. You are not on your own; however, don't use that as an excuse to do nothing. If your child is overweight now, it is going to be much harder to shed this weight as they get older. Their childhood is going to be unhappy and they may be faced with eating disorders in the future. Invest in your children by helping them to become fit and healthy with a fun exercise program and a proper, well balanced healthy diet. Doing this, your concerns about fat loss for teens will be eliminated.

Did you know that to lose weight and keep it off, a sensible well balanced diet and an appropriate exercise programme is necessary for teenagers as well as adults.

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Loss Of Weight Miracles - And 3 Of The Tastiest Ways To Make Food That Helps You Burn Fat

A loss of weight miracle can mean either victory or trouble. Advertently, losing extra pounds can prove to be a triumphant period in your lifetime. Alternatively, the loss of weight mysteriously can be frightening. Naturally, to induce these types of miracles you must adjust your lifestyle. Commonly we hear stories of weight loss that involves crazy diets and deprivation. It is not widely known of, ways that people can use good food to lose weight in rapidly and effectively. It's not all about reducing your calorie intake. Exercising and reducing the calories you ingest will help you lose weight, but at a slow and eventual rate. These loss of weight miracles can happen fast by your hand, if you know "how" to eat. This article will cover some tasty ways to reach those goals

Diet foods labeled "lean" may have reduced calories but are not and should not be eaten on an every day basis. Food that's content you can directly control should predominantly make up your everyday diet. Foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables can limitlessly be used to make healthy menus that can please your taste buds like the more popular and commercialized packaged alternatives.

Miracle weight loss will naturally result when you learn to feed your metabolism in a scheduled fashion. With certain foods you stand a better chance of seeing very fast results, then you normally would eating in just the way you always have.

Cinnamon is one of these foods. If you don't know already, Cinnamon is considered one of the "super spices". It's tasty and is very versatile as a spice. It is packed with antioxidants which everyone needs. Cinnamon works to direct sugar within your body where you want it. Instead of sugar filling your fat cells, Cinnamon helps to divert sugar to your muscles so that it can be burned and converted into energy. Have some Cinnamon on your oatmeal in the morning, with almonds for protein and a small side of fruit.

Green tea, next to water is one of the healthiest drinks you can consume. It is healthy enough to drink all day long. The benefits and versatility of this drink will make you want to drink it all day long. Naturally brewed, green tea can have a bitter flavor, but can be sweetened with many things. In the interest of keeping things low calorie, use a tsp of honey. You will enjoy it. The metabolism boosting properties in green tea make it very worth while to drink, as it will greatly aid in weight loss. Alongside a 6 meal a day diet plan and also plenty of water, weight loss is virtually automatic.

Wheat germ is a whole grain product that can also be a versatile weapon in aiding your weight loss. One of the big sacrifices that many people have trouble giving up is fried foods. Wheat germ can be used as a whole grain alternative to the white flour and baking mixtures used while frying these foods. If you use egg whites to make them sticky and them wheat germ to "bread" any fish or other meat that you want to fry as a healthy alternative. You can them just bake it instead and you reduce the saturated fat, grease, and calories dramatically.

Finding clever ways to circumvent unhealthy cooking into flavorful weight wise dishes is one of the many fun challenges that can make your weight loss climb much more enjoyable.

To experience your own loss of weight miracles, to pick up my free fat burning gourmet meal plans click here

The 5 Sneaky Fat Loss Tips That the Gyms and So Called Fitness Experts Don't Want You to Know About!

The 5 sneaky fat loss tips that the gyms and so called fitness experts don't want you to know about!

Here are 5 awesome fat loss tips you can use today that will have a huge positive impact on your weight loss results.

Ok, so you're doing everything right, your training hard, doing interval training, lifting weights, cutting out the cr*p as in bread, sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed foods etc.

But why can't you shift those last few pounds? Or the excess body fat around your stomach? And if you could only shift this then it would reveal that sexy flat stomach you want.

So what can you do to really get you over that last hurdle? You don't want to quit and why should you? You've worked so hard to get to this point, just a little bit refinement and you will have the body you deserve.

Well these 5 sneaky fat loss tips might just be the key to the body you want and keeping it.

So what are these magical tips that the gyms and so called fitness experts don't want you to know about?

1) Sleep, Yes it's that simple sleep. Get to bed early enough so you can have at least 8 hours sleep per night. This is extremely beneficial for weight loss as it is just as important as training and diet. When you are sleeping your body releases growth hormone and testosterone, these are vital for your bodies repair and rejuvenation. Testosterone is beneficial in both men and women for muscle tone and fat reducing. Increasing testosterone levels will have a massive impact on reduction of body fat. Therefore the way to do this is to sleep up to 8 hours per night and adopt a regular sleeping pattern.

2) Take sodium Bicarbonate on a morning. Yes sodium bicarbonate the white power used in baking and what your gran used to clean the cooker with. This just might be one of the most important natural supplements you could take. This helps alkaline bloods pH levels, which is massively important. If the human body is too acidic you will experience fatigue and struggle to lose body fat, natural energy will also decrease, and the bodies insulin will not work efficiently meaning you will be storing more fat than you are using as fuel. Alkalising your body first thing on a morning by drinking half a teaspoon of sodium Bicarbonate in water, wait 15minutes then have a healthy breakfast. This will go a long way to decreasing the body's acidity, help with body fat reduction and give back the body's natural energy. Just make sure that your diet is a healthy one when using things like this. If your diet is unhealthy you will become ill and it will not work correctly for you.

3) Use flax seeds. Flax seed is the best source of omega 3 fatty acid from a plant source. Omega 3 can help reduce heart disease, strokes and has sensational anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore it is great for joint inflammation. Omega 3 also has a great effect on brain power as it improves blood flow within the brain. Flax seed is essential for vegetarians so they can get their essential fatty acids and omega 3. However as a country we are also very deficient in omega 3 so by using this super food it would benefit everyone. Flax seed is great for mixing into meals and snacks by grinding them down and sprinkling over the top of porridge, put it in smoothies or shakes or mix with a fruit salad. Make sure you drink plenty of water when consuming flax seeds as they are high in fiber. You can by flax in either seed form or already ground down.

4) Never exercise for longer than 45 minutes. After 45 minutes of exercise we are done!! Our body's testosterone levels have peaked and it is impossible to gain anymore than we have. When working out it is all about intensity, the intensity of the workout and each exercise in that workout. Use the 600 rule. There are 600 muscles in the human body and when we exercise we should hit every one of those in every single session and the most effective way of doing this is by using big muscle exercises. For example squats, push-ups, deadlifts, lunges etc. Leave the gym feeling worked but energised at the same time.

5) Water, As simple as it may seem water is the most important nutrient we can consume as humans. Water make's up 70% of your bodies, yet we always just seem to focus on the other 30% of the foods we consume, such as fats, carbohydrates, protein and sugar etc. However it should be the water we are looking at sorting first. Approximately 76% of the human brain is made up of water, our blood is 82% water and our muscles are 75% water. So drink 1litre of fresh clean water for every 20kg of your body weight and by fresh I mean clean filtered water out of a Brita filter or specialised filtration set up in your house. Do not drink tap water, it is not safe or clean and is full of chemicals.

There you have it, 5 awesome fat loss tips that are so simple yet so effective. And if you implement these into your current training and diet routine it will go a long way to helping you get the body you really want.

David Wilkinson

The North East Leading Fat Loss Expert

David Wilkinson is the North East's leading fat loss expert. He successfully run to Bootcamp weight loss programmes in South Shields and Durham. And is opening up more locations in the future. He is also the business mind behind a very successful North East based company that offering Bootcamps and 1-1 personal training. Helping all clients achieve the body of their dreams while becoming healthy, full of energy and illness and disease free. Check us out at

segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Bodybuilding Basics - Fat Loss Versus Muscle Gain

One of the most common misconceptions surrounding bodybuilding is the notion that weight training with the view to increasing muscle mass will automatically make the athlete lose fat. This is not generally true and it is only a very small percentage of bodybuilders that will show simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain with weight training alone. The reason for this is fairly complex and successful fat loss while bodybuilding requires a sound knowledge of the physiological mechanisms involved in both processes.

Our bodies store fat as a defence mechanism against times of famine when these fat reserves would be used to fuel the body when food supplies dry up. For the vast majority of people, the only effective way of burning these reserves off is with a calorie controlled diet and vigorous cardio exercise. Bodybuilding presents a catch 22 situation in that the associated diets tend to be anything but calorie controlled.

Sustainable muscle growth requires a diet high in carbohydrates, proteins and good fat. In addition the exercise routines involved in muscle gain don't burn nearly the same amount of fat as cardio activities do. As a result the disciplines of muscle growth and fat loss have to be approached as separate entities when bodybuilding. Time and focus need to be invested in a specific fat loss regimen to prevent you actually gaining fat while building muscle.

And fat loss is an essential part of bodybuilding because, by its very nature, bodybuilding is all about big, well defined muscles. Heavy fat padding ruins muscle definition and even if you are really successful in packing on muscle mass, the benefit will be lost if you can't cut the fat. This is why pro bodybuilders dedicate time and effort to their cardio training, and constantly monitor their body fat percentages. Cardio exercises have the additional benefit of building stamina which is a plus to bodybuilding in general.

Fat loss in bodybuilding is not dependent on cardio exercise alone. Your diet needs to be fine tuned according to your specific body type, goals and the resultant exercise routines. This is why it is essential, as a beginner, to seek professional advice regarding these issues early on in the process. A pro assessment of your body type and what you need to do to achieve your goals can be critical to your long term success in the game.

The balance between carbs, protein and good fats can be adjusted to reduce the fat and carb intake during periods of fat loss exercise. Adequate hydration is also critical in bodybuilding but particularly so during these phases of your exercise routine. Good hydration ensures efficient toxin elimination and aids in the metabolism of fat. Particular attention to diets will be given in the next in this series of articles but suffice it to say at this point that diets are generally very personal. There is no one, struck in stone, sure fire winner when it comes to bodybuilding diets.

Whatever you do though, don't start to cut radically on your diet in an attempt to reduce your fat percentage. That can do more damage than good to your long term goals. Rather take an informed, scientific approach and hammer the cardio routine. You need to maintain the muscle building component of your diet as cardio exercise will be seen as a rest period by you body and it will probably be building muscle mass while you are working the ticker.

To summarise, fat loss and muscle gain do not generally happen during the same exercise routines. To successfully burn off fat you need to include periods of intense cardio exercise in your routine and look to reducing your intake of carbs and fat at the same time. If you are to gain the ripped, explosive physique you dream of, fat loss is going to be an essential part of your bodybuilding regimen and, in the long run, will be well worth the necessary investment in time and effort.

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Weight Loss Diet Tips - 11 Simple Yet Powerful Tips on How to Lose Weight Healthily

Dieting is a means to lose weight. It can't be done fast; and this is not an easy job. It must be done gradually. At the start, it seems to be fast, because water is the first to go, and then goes the fats. The usual dieting weight loss is one to two pounds per week.

The following are some diet tips-

1. Food pyramid is a good start on how to plan your dieting program

2. Stick to whole grain varieties of wheat, rye, millet, oats and others.

3. Increase your manual work to help burn fats.

4. Exercise regularly. It is very important and accepted universally as a good method to lose weight. One must strive to at least do 5 to 30- minute sessions per week. This will produce firmer muscles, while dieting.

5. Keep a diet diary to keep you aware and updated of the developments in your dieting. It also reminds you of your weight loss diet tips.

6. Find out why you overeat. Sometimes it is triggered by stress, loneliness, anger, depression and other emotions.

7. Have a support group to encourage you and give you resolve in your dieting.

8. Learn to monitor your hunger. Don't over-stuff your tummy.

9. It must be remembered that quick weight-loss is due to lost of water and muscles. It must be fats that have to be lost; and this is done gradually.

10. Eating slowly is a good practice when dieting. It also helps in better digestion of foods.

11. And finally try to eat less fats. This is an important tip.


Natural Fat Loss Tips

Natural fat loss is the best way to lose fat. Many people turn to diet pills or fad diets in an attempt to shed pounds. The downside to those methods is that the weight loss is often only temporary. People often gain back the weight they loss and then some. A much better alternative is to learn how to eat for the ultimate fat burn and how to exercise to burn the most fat with every workout.

We already know that our diets play a large role in the weight that is gained and lost. Food is often one of the most challenging things people face because they don't know how or what to eat. There are several diet books on the market but most of the information can be too complex and hard to stick to. Eating for health is a good mentality to have rather than eating to lose weight.

Food Tip

When choosing what to eat, keep it simple. Simple food should not contain ingredients you have never heard of. They should also be fresh. An easy way to accomplish this is to cut out processed foods. Shop for food on the outer perimeter of your supermarket. Notice that the fresh food is in the produce area and butcher/seafood area. Focus on simple, fresh, whole, natural food and eating for health will be so much easier.

Fitness Tip

You can burn fat with the most basic exercises. I'm sure you are familiar with exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, and jumping jacks. They are very effective fat burners when combined with interval training. Interval training takes basic body weight exercises and combines them into sets. You may do 12 to 15 reps of each exercise to complete one set. There is typically a one minute or longer rest in between sets. Repeat 3 to 4 more times.

Intervals provide intense full-body workouts that burn fat in less time. Most workouts can be completed in under an hour. This type of workout is great for people who are in a time crunch. Best of all, you can workout at home saving you money in gym fees as well as time traveling to and from a gym.

You shouldn't experience boredom easily the way long, steady-state cardio routines can cause. Steady-state cardio can increase the risk of muscle loss. Building muscle is the key to fat loss. Interval training reduces this risk.

Bonus Tip: Get the help you need with your eating plan by drinking your healthiest meal of the day. Review Shakeology and find out how it can help you reduce cravings, lose weight, and provide 70 healthy ingredients in one glass. Combine it with a 60-day total body conditioning program by using the Insanity workout program.

Eartha Haines is an Independent Beachbody Coach and helps others reach their fitness goals as well as starting their own home based fitness business.

Weight Loss Diet - Why a Diet Blows the Fat Content Out of the Water?

A weight loss diet has been known to reduce your body fat by a wide margin. One of the main reasons why a weight loss diet is preferred over other diets is because it has been tried and tested by various dietitians and then applied to practical use. Weight loss diet plans are readily available in the market but in order to get the best, you need to surf the net. While you do so, let us throw some light on the food which is used for fighting fat.

It Works Up Your Metabolism

One of the main advantages of opting for a weight reduction diet plan is that it works positively on your basic metabolism process. Unless and until your metabolism is worked on, you cannot hope to shed those extra pounds with ease. There are certain foods which directly influence your metabolism and help aid in the overall process of fat burn. Hence, food plays a major role in allowing your body to remain fit and healthy.

It Cleanses Your System

One of the main reasons why people gain weight is because their digestive system is not working up to the mark. There could be plaques and parasites in your intestines which may be adding to your weight gain. I'm sure most obese individuals are not even aware of these harmful objects. Whenever you are looking to regain your slim and trim form, you simply need to eat food which is rich in roughage. Certain vegetable juices and fruits have the capability to cleans our system thereby easing your bowel movement.

Click here to lose 30 pounds in 30 days with the new Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse double diet plan.

Learning The Way To Fast Fat Loss

The mere thought of being obese holds many adverse consequences besides wearing bigger sizes. It is a health issue which requires people to be aware of the deadly diseases associated with obesity. This is a guide on ways to achieve fast fat loss for a healthy, long life.

The medical side of losing weight is just as dim as the appearance side of obesity. The diseases associated with obesity are cardiovascular disease, cancer. and diabetes. Many other disease are associated with being overweight, but those mentioned are some of the very concerning conditions.

The most effective way to lose weight is to lead a healthy lifestyle. There are a variety of ways for people to lose weight without sacrificing the things that they normally enjoy. They only need to enjoy the less healthy things in moderation. There are so many types of exercises one can take part in to help lose weight. For example, there are group sports like tennis and basketball.

If someone enjoys individual sports, there are activities which are popular like swimming, running, aerobics, and many more. The goal of exercising is to increase the heart rate to help lose weight. If a person only wants to walk, this is also a great activity to choose.

The next thing someone needs to do to lose weight is eat a healthy diet. One needs to know to cut out trans fats and carbohydrates. It is all right to eat these items but in smaller portions. A diet high in fats and carbohydrates is a way to heart disease and diabetes. People should consume more green, leafy vegetables and a diet high in fruit. Nuts are a great item to eat, and people should eat things like fish to increase their omega-3 fatty acid content. Cutting down on salt is also important.

A person who cannot keep their cholesterol levels down or their blood glucose levels down need to consult their physician in order to help reduce any problems that could occur in this area. Some people might be on a diet regimen to help rid their problem of high cholesterol, diabetes, or hypertension. This will greatly reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.

If one does consult a physician, they can help with ideas on what the best foods are to eat. A physical trainer can also help a person to learn how to build an exercise program which helps that particular person. Losing weight can be very challenging, and any help to accomplish this goal has the potential to be very helpful.

To accomplish quick weight loss is a great goal because the consequences of a life with obesity can be very difficult. It is best to begin fat burning right now to prevent these problems or their severity in the future.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots E-Book - Lose Those Fats Effectively

Are you too fat? Do you think you are already obese? Do you consider yourself overweight? If you answered yes to all three questions, then you are having weight issues, my friend. The worst part of that is perhaps there are thousands more like you all over the world and over the course of these years, it seems that the number of obese people are always increasing. It's like more and more people become fat while only a few have successfully gotten thin.

No wonder those weight loss products are everywhere, from the telly to the radio to the magazines and even the online community. Everyone agrees that if there's a single niche that's pretty much active throughout these years, it's none other than the weight loss niche. Look at those demands for those low fat diet plans and slimming products and programs. They are quite overwhelming.

So if you are in search for a product that you can consider the most effective weight loss program or the best weight loss plan among the various stuff online, it may feel like searching a needle in a hay stack. However, if you can find yourself a trusted and proven list or set of highly-recommended weight loss products, then you may have narrowed your search a bit. Perhaps one of those products being suggested by many consumers is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots weight loss program.

As an intelligent consumer, one may wonder: what's so special about this weight loss system? What makes it stand out from the rest of the products? Why should I choose this instead of the others?

Well, for everyone's information, the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program which is presented in an e-book that spans a number of pages revolves around or is based on the concept of the calorie shifting process.

If you have little or no idea how calorie shifting works, it's when you take different amounts of calories per day alternately. For instance, take 10 calorie units today. Tomorrow, add up 30 more. The day after that, go back to 10 calorie units and then the next day, go all the way up to 55 calorie units. The goal is to confuse your body in terms of storing the extra fat. If you do that, there's a great chance that your body's metabolism will perk up and it's no secret that faster metabolism helps an individual lose more weight.

The e-book explains that this weight loss program promoting the calorie shifting process will best work if you drink plenty of water and if you continue to include your regular exercises or fitness routines. Those exercises could be your regular jogging, brisk walking, boxing or biking activities. It's all about eating and living healthy.

There are various reasons why you should make use of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program. If you are still having doubts, you can check out related reviews and articles to learn more whether it's worth the buy or not"

How to Lose Weight Without a Strict Diet - 12 Tips For Fat Loss

Losing body fat isn't as difficult as it can seem. Just by following these simple 12 tips you'll be able to achieve great results without a strict diet plan, only with a few changes in habit.

Have a walk before breakfast.

After a few hours of sleep your body is depleted of energy and by engaging in any aerobic activity your body will use body fat to keep on going. That's why having a walk at this time is a great idea - it should be a demanding power walk that at the same time doesn't restrict your breathing as you need a lot of oxygen to burn the fat off.
Don't skip your breakfast.

A proper breakfast will not only restore depleted energy but also provide its steady release through the day. If you skip this meal your energy level will keep going down and you will become hungry - at this point probably you'll be already out, so the only thing you can do is grab a snack or fast-food. That's why skipping breakfast is the main reason for developing bad eating habits.
Split your big meals into few smaller ones.

Too big a meal contains more energy (calories) than you need at the time and because of that your body will store the excess of those calories as body fat. Now if you eat smaller meals but more often, there will be less potential energy to be stored for later, instead there will be a bigger chance that your body will use old energy stores (body fat) between your meals.
Have protein in every meal.

Your body does not store protein as it does fats or carbohydrates, that is why you should include protein in every meal. By doing so you will maintain more muscle tissue while dieting - that's very important as muscles use a lot calories to maintain themselves. So by having more muscle you burn more calories! Besides, protein is less likely to be stored as body fat than carbohydrates or fats but still provides calories you need. Good sources of protein include lean meat, fish, eggs and cottage cheese.
Don't mix sugars with fats in one meal.

High doses of sugar cause a rapid release of the hormone insulin, which increases storage of nutrients. If you eat a meal that is rich in fats and your insulin level is high then it is more likely than usual that these fats will be stored as a body fat.
Don't eat sugars before bed time.

Sugars are the most rapid carbohydrates providing "instant energy" and since you'll soon be lying in your bed for a few hours you really don't need it. Simply, eating them before sleep will most likely cause it to be stored "for later" as body fat. If you're not a very physically active person you should also consider avoiding complex carbohydrates before bed.
Drink plenty of water.

If your body doesn't get enough water through the day you will become dehydrated and your metabolic rate (amount of calories burnt a day) will drop. Some research has proven that drinking two cups of cold water forces your body to burn more calories by using them to warm the water up. It's a good idea to replace your fizzy drinks and juice full of preservatives and sugar with plain water that doesn't add up calories to your diet.
Eat whole grain foods and vegetables.

Those products have a lot of dietary fibre - a carbohydrate that isn't digested by body but still causes the feeling of being full, stopping hunger at no cost of calories. Also, it stabilises the blood sugar level preventing swings of insulin which enhances storage of body fat.
Remember that you still need fats.

Even though you want to lose weight, 15-20% of your calorie intake should come from fats. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are essential fatty acids that can't be produced by body and need to be provided from food. The right amount can greatly benefit our health, and even help with fat loss - especially omega 3 fatty acids which stabilise blood sugar and regulate cholesterol level. Omega-3s are found in cold water fish like cod, salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel or tuna, the best vegetable source of omega-3s is flaxseed.
Don't forget about green tea.

Drinking green tea has many benefits for health and fat loss, one of them is green teas thermogenic effect - green tea contains catechins that increase the metabolic rate by burning fat to produce body heat.
Enhance your digestion with probiotic yoghurts and enzyme supplements.

If you can't get enough nutrients from the food you're eating, your body will demand more and more food, it will also store more body fat in fear of starvation. By improving your digestion your body will process food more efficiently - reducing the need of eating more to supply your body with what it needs. Digestive enzymes and probiotic bacterias that can be found in yoghurt can significantly help your body with digestion.
Plan your cheating days.

You need to be realistic about your diet, don't demand too much from yourself; to stick to it all year. It's better to plan one "cheating meal" every two weeks or so than suddenly break and end up eating a chocolate cake in the middle of the night.

David Lyszczek - competitive bodybuilder and personal trainer in Rochdale, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Visit [] and find out how to lose weight, gain muscle, tone up and get healthy.

sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2011

Foods That Help You Burn Fat

When you are trying to lose fat or build muscle it is almost impossible without a structured weight loss and nutrition plan. According to most, nutrition is more important than exercise alone. Many people believe, nutrition counts for 75% in whether you succeed in losing weight and burning fat.

Below is a list of the best foods that help you burn fat. I have put together a list of twelve foods that will help you burn excess abdominal fat and shown you how to utilize them in every day meals.

1) Lean red meat is one of the foods that help you burn fat the fastest.

Since lean red meat contains quality protein, it helps in increasing lean muscle mass, while burning fat. High amounts of zinc, B vitamins, and creatine are found in lean red meat such as sirloin, red meat stimulates muscle growth and speed recovery between workouts.

2) One of the foods that burn fat are skinless turkey or chicken breasts.

Skinless turkey and chicken breasts have very low fat and preservatives, but are very rich in protein, chicken and turkey breast help in building muscle and stimulate fat loss. Choosing skinless turkey or chicken ensures that the meat contains as little fat as possible, this is because a lot of the fat content is found in the skin.

3) Fish and seafood are a healthy addition to any eating plan, this is because they are high in omega 3 fatty acids that have many health benefits. Fish contains almost no saturated fat, it is a great source of protein that is needed for muscle growth and losing fat.

4) Egg whites are also great to eat because they are fat-free. Egg whites can be eaten anytime of the day, they contain one of the highest quality proteins.

5) Skim milk can provide 8 grams of protein per cup, with very little fat. According to research, calcium increases fat loss, and low-fat dairy products are a rich source of calcium. Skim milk also helps in making you feel full because it contains casein, a protein that you digest slowly.

6) Cottage cheese is also under the category of foods that help you burn fat. Low-fat cottage cheese also has all the healthy vitamins and minerals that are found in skim milk, but what's more important, cottage cheese provides a whole 15 grams of protein per half serving. Low-fat cottage cheese also makes you feel full because it contains casein.

7) Although some people think whey protein is not a food, in fact it is one of the foods that burn fat because it is made from 100% natural sources. Quality protein can be found in whey,(the highest quality) making it perfect in burning fat. Whey is absorbed very quickly, and so it should be consumed sometime soon after exercising.

8) Green vegetables are another one of the best foods that burn fat. Since they are low in calories and high in bulk, green veggies are a great option when you want to eat big amounts. Broccoli, lettuce, green beans, celery, and cauliflower are all great green vegetables. To optimize your fat burning.

9) A fat burning diet needs to include carbs a great choice is brown rice. Brown rice can be listed as one of the best foods that help you burn fat because it is absorbed slowly into the bloodstream and contains large amounts of fiber and nutrients.

10) Oatmeal should also be considered in a fat-loss diet plan simply because it is one of the best foods that burn excess abdominal fat. Oatmeal is a perfect balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, and it also reduces the risk of colon cancer and lowers bad cholesterol.

11) Limit yourself to (per day) 2 to 4 pieces of fruit when on a fat burning and weight loss diet, this is because fruit contains excessive calories and harmful, refined sugars.

12) A somewhat surprising entry on the list of foods that burn fat is avocado. Avocado is a rich source of unsaturated fat, making it beneficial to your health. Avocado is rich in potassium, B vitamins, vitamin E, and vitamin K; including it in your fat burning and weight loss diet will help you get positive results.

You can find many more weight loss and fat burning tips in The Truth About Six Pack Abs Program

Nathan Barrett

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Cardio Burning Fat - What is the Best Way to Exercise?

It is universally accepted that cardio workouts do burn fat. The question is what is the best cardio burning fat exercise? It is true that fat burns during high intensity and low intensity exercise, but which one is best?

When there is a excess of carbohydrates in the blood, the body will store them as glycogen in the liver and muscles. There is only limited storage capacity in these organs so any surplus of carbohydrates is then converted to fat and stored in the 25 billion or more fat cells in the body.

When one eats fat, it either is stored in the fat cells or is converted into cholesterol. The body makes enough cholesterol for its own daily needs, so any extra cholesterol is not a good thing as it might encourage heart disease.

Protein digestion causes the body to work real hard to derive the food benefits. Eating complex carbohydrates and protein - for example stone-crushed, whole-wheat bread and soymilk - will keep the body busy in the digestion process for a long time. And this has the effects of keeping one not hungry for a considerable bit of time and provides a lot of very healthy nutrients.

Glycogen provides energy reserves for short, high-intensity bursts of energy. When glycogen is burned during high intensity workouts it is assumed that little fat is burned. In actuality the body burns many calories during high intensity workouts. Calories for the most part, come from glycogen, but at the same time, calories do come from stored fat also.

After Burn
High intensity workouts also speed up metabolism and this heightened metabolism burns body fat even when the body is at rest. Weightlifters call this 'after burn'. Low intensity workouts don't have this effect. Note that: some authors even claim that the body will burn more fat after high intensity workouts than it will during low intensity workouts.

Interval Training
Interval training is a good form of cardio workout. These are very intense exercises for relatively short periods. For example, walk for 5 minutes, jog for 5 minutes followed by brisk walking, and then sprint (interval). This form of cardio workout gives the best of both low intensity and high intensity(interval) workouts.

Fat Burning Exercise Program
If you want to increase your heart rate this is the best way to do it. Exercises that are able to maintain and increase heart rates for a period of at least 20 minutes are considered aerobic or cardiovascular exercises. These are good fat burners.

Examples of these are:

Walking. Walking is the simplest of the aerobic exercises. It is a perfect prerequisite to fat burning and although minimal it is a good starting point for more energetic workouts.

Running or jogging is perhaps the best aerobics/cardio workout for fat burning.

Cycling like running is a good fat burning exercise.

Treadmills, stationary bikes, elliptical machines and the like are on a par with running and cycling.

However exercise is only beneficial if it is consistent: 3-4 times a week minimum is most effective for increasing heart rate and for burning fat.

Note: Always check with your doctor first before starting a new exercise program.

Cardio Fat Burning Exercise
While running and cycling provide good fat burning results there are other exercises that provide superior fat burning results.

Skipping rope is effective for fat burning as it provides a complete workout for all over body fat.

Swimming is another cardio exercise that provides very effective results. Swimming entails the use of strong movements which provides a high intensity workout. Fat will melt away and weight will follow. It also provides the benefits of no impact on the joints.

Using dumbbells or weight lifting equipment. This form of exercise is high intensity which will burn fat rapidly. However it must be done on a consistent basis.

Cardio workouts are the cornerstone to losing weight and burning fat, yet running or walking is often not enough because we might continue eating too much of the wrong foods. While diets are designed to lower calorie intake we still need to deplete our stores of fat. This is why we need cardio exercises. Each workout session may take as much as 600 calories from fat cells.

To achieve the optimal impact on burning fat, we need to eat the right foods. If one eats fatty, sugary foods the results of the workouts will be minimized and one may even gain weight. Switching to a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and lean, small pieces of meat or fish will produce the maximum benefit for fat burning. Also as one gets in better shape, the minerals and other nutrients in fresh produce will help replenish the supply lost in exercising.

About the Author:
Tim Lazaro is a Fat Burning Nutrition enthusiast. Visit List of Fat Burning Foods for more expert advice on cardio burning fat exercises and other tips you can use right now to burn fat off and keep it off. News Search for "spartanburg sc car parts"

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Burn Stomach Fat - Important Information For Women Who Want to Burn Stomach Fat

There are two important things to know if you want to burn stomach fat.

Firstly belly fat is not all created equal.

Secondly, unfair as is, as a woman ages she will accumulate more belly fat compared to a man.

The two types of belly fat are subcutaneous and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat lies around the belly and is the fat you can easily pinch around the waist. On the other hand visceral fat is located on the inside of your abdominal muscles and surrounds your organs. If you want to burn stomach fat and get a toned and tight six pack you will have to lose both types of fat, especially the subcutaneous fat since it hides the abdominal muscles you are looking to tone and make more visible.

Fortunately, when you succeed with a fat loss diet, you will lose both types. However it is important to know that visceral fat is a very dangerous type of since it is linked to diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat does more than sit around the organs. It will actively promote inflammation which many scientists believe cause many diseases known to man.

The reason women gain more belly fat than men as they age is because after a woman goes through menopause, it has been shown that her body fat begins to be deposited less in her arms, hips and thighs and more around her stomach.

Also with increasing age and the slowing of the metabolism, the fat in the body will very slowly increase. This change in the fat distribution is caused by the hormonal changes women go through during menopause. When this occurs, women experience a greater overall percentage increase in fat deposit than do men.

The good new is that it is possible to prevent this extra body fat storage in the stomach - it is not as complicated as most people would believe. The approach would be to attack the stomach fat as you would any other type of fat - eating a reduced carbohydrate diet, doing interval and metabolic resistance training. This three tier approach to burn stomach fat is actually as effective for men as it is for women

The important thing to remember is that with increasing age our level of activity and metabolism both decrease and will lead to increased storage of fat deposit around the stomach. Planning to stay active will stimulate your metabolism to burn more calories and fat and is definitely the best approach women can use to lose fat around the stomach (it also works for men).

Take a look at The Truth About Abs formula that worked for me and thousands of other people. This formula combines everything from mental attitude, nutrition and specific workout routines that when combined, all add up to one of the most powerfully shocking systems to burn stomach fat and get those abs shining through in no time at all.

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Use Muscle to Burn Fat Because Muscle Burns Fat Best

Should you burn fat or muscle? Use muscle to burn fat because muscle burns fat best. Although the answer seems very obvious or clear, the number of weight loss candidates who still do not understand these facts is staggering.

In a way, however, it may be quite understandable because the human body is a complex piece of machinery. And it operates according to its own rhythms and sequences. Use muscle to burn fat. This is your true systematic approach, although it may sound different from what you might wish to believe.

Especially shocking at times are truthful weight loss facts like, "You Have To Eat In Order To Lose Weight." At first glance, of course, makes no sense at all. However, when you examine this concept more closely, you uncover thousands of beneficial and supporting ideas about the way weight loss really works. One of these discoveries is that muscle burns fat best.

You can use muscle to burn fat because muscle tissues contain the sites where the by-products of body fat metabolism reach their fruition. In other words, muscles contain the fat-burning cells. Particularly, there is the inner section of the muscular cell, called Mitochondria, that literally metabolizes your excess nutrients resulting from the protein-carbohydrate-fat mix that you eat during each day.

Be it known to you today, that your goal as a body fat candidate is very much similar to the goals that bodybuilders use to achieve the lowest body fat percentages possible. Muscle burns fat best.

Yet, have you ever taken a good look at the statistics on this topic? Without a doubt, it behooves you to use muscle to burn fat. Similarly, body builders provide prime example of how to lose weight in the most effective ways.

This is true because they consistently meet a DUAL goal of both: 1) Losing excess body fat; and 2) Putting on only the leanest possible tissue in existence, which is, as you can guess, muscle.

It is very common to have only a 10 or 15 percent body fat percentage when you utilize smart body building or muscle toning principles. This exemplifies how muscle burns fat [] best. Yet, mind you, we are not talking about those HUGE or HUMONGOUS hulks who wish to compete for Olympic status.

You can follow this use muscle to burn fat example. As, here, we are merely revealing the BASICS on how to approach the body building tenets in order to add firm shape, nice tone, and a much leaner style of beauty to your existing physique.

Should you be interested in this, you will surely accomplish the same low-body-fat-percentage results when you use this technique. You already have muscles. Everybody does. However, when you are overweight, your muscle tone and beauty becomes hidden or covered over by additional layers of fat which lies directly beneath the outer surface of your skin.

Your body knows all too well that muscle burns fat best. And, just imagine your poor muscles, drowning down there, in a mucous-laden layer of fat... almost begging you to save them. Use muscle to burn fat - the best free weight loss advice you can get.

And, the way in which you go about doing this, in effect, gives you two rewards instantly. One, you start to look leaner and sharper. Plus, two, you feel better physically and become emotionally more empowered by this self-actualizing experience.

It begins when you use muscle to burn fat. Right from the start, you can melt away unwanted body fat with these valuable and highly underestimated weight loss tips.

What more can you ask for than a direct, reachable goal that has proven benefit plus immediate gratification? Muscle burns fat best. Adopt this powerful piece of weight loss advice pronto.

With over 17 years of hands-on plus formalized training in fitness, nutrition, and weight management, author Kenneth Gene Dockins continues to provide creative solutions for fat loss attainment and provides you with a helpful recommendation on the best fat-loss ebook in the industry. You can uncover powerful body fat burning tips that professionally support your weight loss goals, plus assist you in achieving long-term satisfaction. Visit Muscles-Burn-Fat.Info for eye-opening info about how muscles burn fat [].

Simple Secrets For Eliminating Fat Cells

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Your SECRETS For Effective Weight Loss

You must first have the right information to lose weight - most people are relying on the wrong information from TV commercials and fat loss product labels. You must understand the basics on how your body works. Understand which exercises will in fact cause the elimination of fat cells, strengthen your heart and improve your muscle tone...and which ones won't.

The difference between failure and success of any goal is having the right information to take action on or to make the best decision from.

Unfortunately the information you have been relying on for your health, fitness, and weight loss has been wrong. My Motto in life has always been "Truth Produces Trust" and with that in mind my objective is to share the truth with anyone willing to listen.

SECRET #2 - You Must Do The Right Exercise

Yes, exercise is required for your body to eliminate fat cells. There's no way around it. Your body was "designed" to move, not sit in front of a TV or computer screen for hours at a time. However, exercise is not a dirty word when you know what type of exercise zaps the fat cells off your body!

The Wrong Type Of Exercise

Some exercises (those done by most people who try to lose weight) actually cause your body to store fat. When you exercise for long periods at low to medium intensity, you actually train your heart and lungs to get smaller. It's an invitation for sickness, disease and also causes your body to store fat. Long-duration aerobic training doesn't work. It isn't natural and your body knows it.

Long duration exercises like jogging, aerobic classes and typical treadmill workouts will actually cause you to gain and store fat. At best you will lose water weight and/or muscle weight, shrinking your fat cells instead of eliminating them. This is one of the main reasons for yo-yo dieting, and why most people fail at weight loss.

The Right Type Of Exercise

A few years ago, Harvard researchers published the Harvard Health Professionals Study. After studying over 7,000 people they found that the key to preventing heart disease is exercise intensity - NOT long-duration exercise. This type of exercise is know as "High Metabolism Exercise".

High metabolism style exercise can be done in less than 12 minutes per day! The best part is after a high metabolism workout, your body will burn fat cells for up to 24 hours after you stop exercising! This would be the one habit I would recommend everyone put into their life.

The key to effective high metabolism exercise is to push yourself hard enough during your exercise (within a short period of time) so you need to stop to catch your breath. It is the key to a healthy heart, good muscle tone, high energy, a desirable figure, higher lung capacity and increased fat loss... plus it takes a fraction of the time to achieve much better results.

High intensity exercise jump starts your metabolism and re-sets your metabolic rate to a higher level for the entire day. High intensity exercises cause FAT Loss, not water weight or muscle weight, actual fat loss. They only take minutes to do and can be done in the privacy and comfort of your own home.

It's All About When You Burn Fat

When you exercise for long periods at a time, like most people do when they go to the gym, you push your body into its so called "fat burning zone." Most fitness gurus tell you to get into your fat burning zone and stay there for as long as you can take it... but that's a problem. You don't want to burn fat during exercise.

Burning fat during exercise tells your body it needed the fat. This trains your body to make more fat for the next time you exercise.

If you want to burn fat and keep it off, exercise in short bursts of high intensity.

How does it work? It has to do with what your body uses for fuel during exercise. For the first two or three minutes of a workout you burn ATP, your body's cellular energy source. Then you start burning carbs from muscle tissue.

Exercising for short periods will use these carbs during exercise. Then you start to burn fat after your workout - while you replenish the carbs. This is known as your "After Burn." You can see an increased metabolic fat burn for up to 24 hours after high intensity, short burst exercise.


Researchers at Laval University in Quebec divided participants into two groups: long-duration and repeated short-duration exercisers. They had the long-duration group cycle 45 minutes without interruption. The short-term interval group cycled in numerous short bursts of 15 to 90 seconds, while resting in between.

When the researchers recorded their body composition measurements, the interval group showed significantly more fat loss. In fact, the interval group lost 9 times more fat than the endurance group for every calorie burned. The short bursts stimulated a greater "After Burn".

Research proves Long Duration exercise tells your body to build fat. That's how your body adapts to this kind of activity. Then, when you get bored and decide to quit exercising, you'll put on weight very rapidly because you will be rehydrating shrunken fat cells. Sound familiar? This is known as the yo-yo dieting or roller coaster dieting.

Short Duration, High Metabolism Exercise

On the other hand short-duration exercise increases your levels of growth hormone and eliminates fat cells. This is the key to real weight loss: Increasing your metabolism and eliminating your fat cells...not just shrinking them.

Short duration exercise actually increases levels of growth hormone and increase your fat burn. Researchers from Loughborough University in Leicestershire, England tested growth hormone levels in sprinters and endurance athletes. On average, the sprinters had three times as much growth hormone as the endurance runners.

You must understand, the most important changes from exercise occur after, not during, the exercise period. The way you exercise affects your metabolism for several days. The important changes begin after you stop exercising.

This means all you have to do during your exercise is arouse the adaptive reaction you need - like reducing your need for fat or building reserve capacity in your heart. Your body will continue making the important changes afterwards - while you rest.

Gym Membership Not Required

You don't need to go to the gym to get started. Even if you're out of shape you can start with a challenge that's within your reach.

Let's take walking as an example. This is the easiest way to get started if you're de-conditioned or facing a physical challenge.

Here's how: First, wear comfortable pair of walking shoes with good support and some loose-fitting clothes. You can start your walking exercise on the sidewalk or on a quiet street. You could also go to the gym and exercise on a treadmill.

Start walking at a comfortable pace for 30 - 60 seconds to get your joints in motion. Then increase intensely by walking as fast as you can, you can even bring hand weights if you wish. Maintain this pace for 30 seconds - 60 seconds you should feel winded.(To the point where you can't really carry on a conversation, even panting for your breath). Now stop and catch your breath. Take a 30 - 60 seconds to recover and focus on your breathing; This was your first "set." Do this for 3 - 4 sets. Now you have reached "After Burn", enjoy your results.

It doesn't matter how quickly you walk when first starting out. Even if your top exertion speed is just above your normal walking speed, you can give yourself enough of a challenge to expand your lung volume and build reserve capacity in your heart.

This gradual build up in cardio-pulmonary power will get you to higher levels and extend your endurance. Little by little, you'll become more and more conditioned and better able to handle more intense challenges.

Swimming is helpful if you have a disability as the water's buoyancy will take the strain off your joints and make it easier to move. Biking is also very effective for de-conditioned beginners and you have the option of doing it outside or in the gym.

Like walking, take it slow and evaluate your exertion level. Don't strain yourself. Take small, deliberate steps and stay with your program. Within the first week, you'll start to see progress.

With doctor directed metabolism boosting exercises in a matter of weeks, you can:

Lose pounds of belly fat.
Build functional new muscle.
Reverse heart disease.
Build energy reserves.
Strengthen your immune system.
Reverse many of the changes of aging.
Begin to turn heads for the right reason.

Dr David Alan retired from private practice after logging over 220,000 patient visits in 20+ years in practice. He then developed a team of health experts to uncover the truth regarding weight loss. This turned into an 8 year quest and now together they are releasing the antidote to FAT with the Doctor Directed 14day Weight Loss Program. You can find it at and the blog you can find at you can get your free weight loss advice.