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quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011

Rapid Weight Loss Diet - Dropping Inches Fast Without Working Out Or Starving!

The best rapid weight loss diet, which allows you to lose weight quickly without suffering, isn't going to be found by killing yourself at the gym or by skipping meals until you nearly pass out from hunger! It may seem impossible to lose weight without those two things but in reality they are exactly why 95% of dieters fail when attempting a rapid weight loss diet routine.

Today we're going to go over how Asian women quickly and easily lose weight, even right after having a baby, and how you can use their knowledge to get the body of your dreams without taking unnatural risks that hurt your overall health.

Rapid Weight Loss Diet - The Skinny Asian Method

When new students join my local weight-loss classes usually their first question is something like "So how do Asian women get so skinny"??

The reality is that Asian women do it by turning their bodies into constant metabolic infernos that are burning calories around the clock, even while sleeping. And while you're not going to learn their best secrets and techniques from a single short article you CAN add a few things to your daily routine that will get you on the road to the body you deserve.

One Secret: The Perfect Mix

Asian women figured out generations ago that a specific mixture of foods at any meal can dramatically affect whether their body's metabolism is put into a calorie-burning state for the rest of the day or not. And if they focused on dishes that produced this effect as often as possible they could lose almost unlimited amount of weight without even thinking about it.

This "perfect mix" for a rapid weight loss diet is too long to go into in this short space, but I typically describe it to my clients as the "3:1" formula.

The 3:1 formula is basically a way to say that at every meal I want you to have 3 times as many lean protein food sources as you do fibrous carbohydrates.

Here's an example: If you were to have 6 ounces of grilled fish as your main course at dinner you would need to have 2 ounces of broccoli or tomatoes or spinach or another high-fiber vegetable as your side dish to produce the effect we're after.

Why It Works

This simple 3:1 ratio produces an amazing effect on our bodies, putting our calorie-utilization system into the perfect range to use stored body fat cells as energy, and keeping new fat cells from forming...even when no exercise is being done. No wonder millions of Asian women around the world turn to this as the core of their rapid weight loss diet techniques, what could be easier?

If you get the formula down perfectly, by using main protein sources such as chicken, tofu, eggs, lean beef, fish, soy, and other easy to find components combined with any high-fiber vegetable sources, you'll see the pounds fly off very quickly. And you'll do it without ever having to attend that cardio class you hate or starving yourself every second!

Make every meal a 3:1 meal and you'll have figured out one of the key ways Asian women successfully keep the weight off both for themselves and their families. Try this rapid weight loss diet at your next meal.

What If You Still Can't Lose Weight?

If you just can't seem to make any progress towards fitting into your favorite jeans you'll want to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...without starving or doing crazy workouts.

This solution works fast and is very simple, the full details on how to do it are in the free report here: Rapid Weight Loss Diet. I actually do it myself while relaxing on the couch watching TV, and it works amazingly well.

Click on the link and learn the trick yourself before it's gone:

Love and good health always,

Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

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