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quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011

The Best Weight Loss Diet For Long Term Slimming

One of the most difficult things to find is a diet that helps you reduce weight and after that, to keep it from returning. There is very little consensus about the best weight loss diet because this is something that needs to be customized if it has to succeed. Each person's body type and personality varies from the other person's and what works for one will not do for the other.

Nevertheless, it is possible to arrive at the best weight loss diet for you if you follow certain guidelines. Long term weight loss is achieved by gradually reducing your calorie intake, within healthy limits, so that your body is forced to burn up its store of fat in order to maintain its metabolism and activity levels. Note the use of the word gradually because this is the key to keeping the weight from coming back on.

The best weight loss diet tends to be properly balanced, except that there is a reduction in the proportion of carbohydrates it contains. This does not mean that carbohydrates have to be drastically cut, only that they be reduced. Your body needs them in order to maintain its activity levels, and drastic cuts will lead to negative side effects such as anemia and weakness.

You do have to be strict about the types of carbohydrates you eat. The best weight loss diet contains whole grains in place of refined carbohydrates that do not have much nutrition. These grains take longer to digest and will keep you from 'grazing' in between meals.

You have to replace the missing cereals such as rice, pasta or bread with lots of vegetables. These vegetables also contain carbohydrates, but with a great deal of vitamins and enzymes as well. You also need to eat a lot of protein, but make sure that you don't inadvertently consume fat along with them. Stick to poultry and fish, but vegetarian options like tofu and beans have the lowest fat content.

You have to follow these guidelines very strictly in order to make your meal plans so that you begin to lose weight gradually. Your body will not resist this weight change and you will not feel the irritability and food cravings normally associated with dieting. This will be the best weight loss diet for you because you have devised it yourself, and these will be foods that you find easy to prepare and enjoyable to eat.

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